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Sorry for making you guys wait so long! But here you go; Chapter Sixteen :D

-Chapter Sixteen-

Everyone in the room froze.

Damon went rigid, his eyes narrowing. Stefan quickly turned around, his eyes aimed in the direction of the stairs leading upstairs. Elena paused, her hands still placed on Stefan's shoulders as she mimicked his motions.

My eyes widened as I stayed in the position I was frozen in, hoping they wouldn't see any hint of guilt on me. I had an inkling of who was up there and it wasn't someone I wanted my brother's seeing anytime soon.

"What the hell was that?" Damon hissed, already getting the suspicion that something hadn't just accidently fallen over. My breath hitched in my throat as he pushed himself up, starting to walk down the hall.

"uh...!" I started nervously, running a hand through my hair as I rushed after him, sliding past him and jogging up onto the first couple of steps.

"It was probably my..." I froze, quickly trying to think of something. "My...vase. Yeah, my vase." I smiled cheekily at him, trying not to show the small twitch in my eyebrow that usually showed I was lying.

Damon narrowed his eyes further, cocking his head at an angle as he studied me. When I continued to just smile back at him, he simply shrugged and let go of the banister, gently strolling back down the corridor.

"Fine, go on then." He called, waving a hand over his shoulder as I let out a long breath.

I watched after him, making sure they weren't watching before tightening my grip on the wooden beam in my hands, shaking my head angrily.

I quickly turned on my heel, racing up the stairs as quickly as I could. My wool socks slid across the wood as I grabbed my door handle, pushing the door open quickly.

I stared angrily at the figure that stood near my window. He was staring down at the small broken glass at his feet, not daring to move as I continued staring at him. I shook my head at him, biting my lip angrily as I gently slammed my door shut.

"Godammit, Liam!" I hissed quietly, lowering my voice so my brother's wouldn't overhear. "My brother nearly came up here! You were this close," I motioned with my fingers, "to getting caught!"

He stared confusedly at me, his eyes narrowed cutely as he tried to process what I just told him.

"You have a brother?"

"2! I have 2!"

"When were you going to tell me this?" he asked, standing up from his slightly crouched position, crossing his arms as he looked at me disappointedly.

"Now? You want me to ask me when I was going to tell you about my brothers, now?"


"It doesn't matter! What matters is that you nearly got caught!"

"Still you could've told me..."

"Liam!" I snapped. "What are you even doing here?"

"I stopped by to see you." He uncrossed his arms, shooting me a friendly smile that made my heart start to beat a little bit faster.


Both mine and Liam's eyes widened at the high pitched voice that sounded from behind my closed door.

"Get in the wardrobe!" I hissed, grabbing his arm quickly, leading him towards my walk-in closet. I shushed his protests and hid him behind my sweaters before slamming the door and hurrying towards my bedroom door, where Elena called my name again.

I leant casually against the door, a smirk on my face as I slowly opened the door, revealing a suspicious looking Elena.

"I just came to see if you were ok..." she trailed off, her eyes squinting slightly as she studied me.

"Yeah, yeah i'm fine." I shrugged off her concern as I gently tapped the wooden frame of my doorway.

"Stefan sent me up to see what the noise was, they were getting worried."

I rolled my eyes at my brothers, stepping aside to let Elena in. "Of course they were." I mumbled.

"I left a glass on the window." I explained as she looked around my room, not really interested in the reason.

"Mhmm." I watched sceptically as she looked around suspiciously, eyeing anything and everything.

"Can I help you?" I chuckled, biting my lip as she flicked my bed covers back.

"No, no." She brushed me off, not even glancing in my direction as she pushed back my pillows, not even bothering to put them back as she moved onto my wardrobe. I simply shrugged as she ignored me, her hand reaching out for the handle.

Realisation quickly smacked me in the face as I realised that's where I'd hidden Liam only minutes ago.




"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" I shouted, grabbing her shoulder and gently tugging her back, placing my body in between the wooden door and Elena's piercing stare.

Why she suddenly went all CSI on me, I have no idea. But I didn't doubt for a moment that my brothers weren't involved.

"I have bra's everywhere, it ain't pretty." I quickly lied, moving my hip slightly to block her hand from getting to the handle again.

"I'm a girl, I've seen bra's before." She grinned.

"Yes, yes I'm sure you have." I replied coolly, grinning at her but making no move to move out her way.

She ran her tongue over her teeth, studying me once again before raising an eyebrow at me, shrugging.


"Wait, fine?" I asked, staying pinned against the door as she turned her back on me and made her way out of my bedroom. She shot me one knowing grin over her shoulder before going out of view.

I quirked my lip up, slightly confused at the events that just happened.

She was up to something.

And it wasn't going to be good.

"Can I come out now?"

I shook my head, clearing the thoughts suddenly plaguing me. I moved slowly, grabbing the door handle and opening it. I took a deep breath, smelling the musky cologne that clung to Liam as he stared expectantly down at me.

I grinned up at him.

"Ready to come out the closet?"

He stared at me before rolling his eyes. "Not funny."

I let out a giggle, closing the wardrobe door and turning to the Original who now perched on the end of my bed.



and even Elena's getting suspicious...

Anyway I really am sorry for making you guys wait but you have to understand how busy I am at the moment, I'm preparing for my GCSE'S and its really intense, over 2 weeks I've already had 2 assessments going towards my final grade and its really stressful.

On top of that I have army cadets every Monday and Thursday, so on top of homework i hardly have any free time. Don't think I've forgotten about Sister Dearest, because I haven't :)

I will update when I can :D I just thought you guys deserved to know why I've been MIA

I know this chapters bad but I'm ill as this guy puked on my foot and gave me this cold bug thing -_- such an idiot.





For the next chapter:


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