thirty six

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it's been a while hasn't it? BUT I SURVIVED ANNUAL CAMP AND ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT SO MUCH OMFG. I made friends with a ton of new people that i literally love to death, they were amazing and the entire time I was just purely enjoying myself. alSO TO MAKE EVERYTHING PERFECT


you guys honestly don't understand how much of a big deal this is to me because i honestly never thought i would get this far in cadets, like seriously and the fact that i'm now a lance corporal makes me want to shit rainbows and just fly like idk

but i'm back for the moment but unfortunately i shall be leaving on the 20th for a short while (a week) as my parents booked a very last minute holiday to Cyprus (wahey) then about like a week after that, I think i start school again eW HOW ABOUT NO BURN IT WITH FIRE

but yeah sorry this is so long winded, i just like to keep you guys updated so you don't like wonder where i've gone and stuff but hERE WE ARE WITH CHAPTER THIRTY SIX ENJOY MY MINIONS

- Chapter Thirty Six -

"Put your hands up."

"I don't want to do this." I said, shaking my head fiercely as I crossed over my arms. After Elijah had gotten rid of Dylan and basically sent him away, I found myself being led down to a large room with a ton of equipment just scattered around. There was everything ranging from targets to large mats that looked like the things people practice martial arts on.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was basically a training area. The room was dimly lit with only a few large lights hanging from the ceiling, lighting up the individual training areas. Liam stood opposite me and rolled his eyes, relaxing from his defensive stance and staring at me,

"I don't want you to do this either," he hissed back quietly, discreetly looking over his shoulder at his siblings who were observing us from a nearby wall close to the entrance. "But the sooner we do something, the sooner they'll go away."

I gritted my teeth, moving my head to the side as I avoided his gaze. I didn't want to learn how to control my 'powers'. To be honest, I still didn't believe I had them. And if I did, I didn't want to suddenly know how to use them and then accidentally use them in public and hurt someone unintentionally. 

"When do I get to see my brothers?" I quizzed, turning back to him with a raised eyebrow. "You know they're probably pissed beyond belief and, not going to lie, I actually want to go home." I explained, raising an eyebrow at him as I tried to get my point across.

God save the person that encountered my brothers'. I knew they were searching because back when I was a human, I'd gone out with a couple of friends for a few hours and the boys had organized a search party. As hilarious as it was, they worried too much for their own good.

The fact that I didn't have my phone either made me even more anxious that I couldn't just send them a text that I was going to be away for a while or something because I'm staying with a friend and I'd be back whenever. No, to them I'd just basically vanished off the face of the Earth and made no attempt to contact them. If either of them had suddenly gone missing without a trace, hell, I'd be searching for them and be worried out of my freaking mind.

We were all each other had now. We stuck together through thick and thin, hell, we still do and I actually missed those two knuckle heads. I'd been away for God knows how long, and the only person I actually knew was Liam and I'd barely gotten a moment alone with him to just have a normal conversation.

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