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Here you go guys :) enjoy!

-Chapter Seventeen-

I stared at my wardrobe for a few moments, contemplating on what I should say to the vampire that broke into my bedroom.

I didn't know if I should be happy that he broke in to see me or angry.

Pausing, I allowed myself to listen to his movements. I couldn't see him but I knew by the sound of his feet that he was now off of my bed and walking towards my window.

"Why are you here, Liam?" I asked softly, looking over my shoulder at him. He didn't look back at me, just continued staring out the window, an expressionless look masking his face. This was starting to become a common question, one that he always failed to give an honest answer to.

"I told you." He replied, an almost aggravated tint lying under his words as ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek thoughtfully.

I stared at the side of his face, a feeling starting to bubble deep down in my stomach. I sighed as I couldn't quite place my finger on the emotion.

Liam intrigued me. There was no question in that. But curiosity killed the cat. And I already had enough experience with death to last a lifetime, thank you very much.

I could understand why I was interested in Liam and liked him. But why he kept coming to 'visit' me all the time? I had no answer.

Originals never pestered a vampire unless they thought they were a threat to the existence and well being of our species. And as far as I was aware, I hadn't done anything to disturb that. So why was this Original so interested in me?

"Why don't I believe you?" I asked quietly, my eyes narrowing in confusion as I continued to stare at him. It wasn't meant to be a direct question, more of a thought to myself.

It was rare that Originals lied. If they lied, no one would trust them or respect them. I mean, who believed anyone if they lied all the time?

But I found it harder to believe that Liam was interested in me than that he was lying to me. Originals were rarely heard dating or seeing someone. It just didn't happen. The only exception was Klaus but he wasn't exactly 100% vampire was he?

It wasn't in their biology to find love. It just didn't happen.

So what made Liam an exception?

As soon as my words tore through the silence, his eyes widened slightly as he snapped his head in my direction. His mouth fell slightly as he stared back at me. I flinched slightly as I saw rage build up in his oceanic eyes.

"You don't believe me?" There was undeniable hurt in his voice, and it stung a little to know that I had caused it.

Sighing, I crossed my arms, knowing I was on rocky territory here. If I upset him to the point that he would become volatile, I was as good as dead....again.

But a small voice in the back of head nagged at me, telling me Liam would never hurt me, no matter how hard I pushed his buttons.

"I don't know." I said honestly. "I find it hard to believe you'd go out of your way to see me again."

"Why?" His eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion as he studied me.

"Originals don't usually have sentimental reasons for visiting vampires." I snapped, a rage bubbling in my stomach as I remembered the stories my brothers told me about how the Originals would burn a vampire without blinking.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Brooklyn." The determined look in his eyes caused me to straighten.

"Then why do you keep seeing me?" I blurted out; frustrated to know the reason why this Prince of vampires was so interested in me.

Our eyes locked. I didn't look away as he glared at me, obviously mad that I was pressing the issue.

"Stop." He ordered, a fire burning in the back of his eyes.

"Tell me." I said, "Just tell me, for God's sake!"

"Seriously, Brooklyn," he growled, "you're really pushing it right now."

Laughter started to bubble deep down in the back of my throat hysterically, almost disbelieving at how quickly our conversation turned angry.

I pushed the laughter down, not wanting to jeopardize any chance I had of finding out why Liam was here.

"'To see me'," I air-quoted sarcastically. "That's so cheesy and out-dated, Liam."

I chewed on my lip as his jaw locked, his eyes narrowing. I realised then that I'd pushed a button. A big, red, 'don't touch unless you want some serious shit' button.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really."

"You sure about that?"

My breath hitched in the back of my throat as he took three steps towards me, standing directly in front of me. I started to look down, refusing to look.

If I looked, I'd probably melt. Or something.









I gritted my teeth as a hand gently gripped my chin, gently starting to tip it upwards so I was looking at him.

My chest started pounding, my ears felt flushed and I felt my breathing coming out faster.

I closed my eyes as his finger traced over my cheek, his breath washing over my face calmly.

I opened my eyes, allowing myself to stare at him. A small smile curved into his pink lips, an affectionate shine glimmering in his eyes.

"You're beautiful, Brooklyn."

I froze for a minute. His words threw me off for a moment and I didn't know how to react. No one had ever called me beautiful before...

My heart fluttered affectionately and a smile spread across my lips.

"So are you, Liam."

He chuckled softly, his face inching slowly towards mine. My heart started pounding furiously against my chest, almost as if it wanted to escape.

We both closed our eyes, his other hand reaching up to cup my cheek.

I could feel his breath fanning across my lips as our lips nearly touched.

The smile that twitched on my lips was clue enough to show how much I actually liked Liam.

A little closer...

"Hey Brook- OH MY GOD."

Liam and I tore apart, our loving dazes bringing us back to reality as we stared wide-eyed at the figure staring open-mouthed at us from my doorway.






and then the figure interrupting them :O

I wonder who it is...

Thanks for the support everyone, you're all amazing!

For the next chapter:

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seriously tell me what you think! Tell who's your favourite character! Do you like Liam and Brooklyn? Let me know!

- Badger :B

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