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-Brooklyn’s POV-


“Get up!”


“Get up, Brooklyn!”

“” i mumbled into my pillow.

“For the love of- Stefan! Come and get your evil twin up!” Damon called downstairs.

I pulled the covers over my head, hoping they would protect me. I smiled as the warmth welcomed me back to dream land.

Suddenly the covers were pulled back and a large bucket of FREEZING water was chucked on me. I gasped and bolted up, wiping away the water from my eyes.

“Stefan you-“

“Don’t you dare, swear.” Damon warned, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Smelly-“i continued, shutting my mouth shut as Damon narrowed his eyes.

Stefan chucked a towel at me as i continued having a glaring match with Damon.




“Brook.” Damon warned.

“FLUFFY ANIMAL RAPING GIRAFFE.” I screamed, smiling triumphantly. Damon lunged at me and we started rolling around on the floor. I grabbed his hair and started tugging at it; he let out a small yelp and sat on top of me.

We started having a cat fight with our hands. I screamed out loud and held my hand, faking i was hurt.

“Oh my god, Brook, i’m so sorry!” Damon said, getting off me and looking at me.

Think dead puppies, dead puppies...

I burst into tears and cradled my hand, sucking a finger for extra measure.

“No, no! Don’t cry!”

I burst out laughing and pointed at Damon as i rolled onto the floor.

“Gullible smurf!” I laughed, clutching my stomach.

“You little—“ Damon started before i jumped up on my bed, avoiding his grabbing his hands.

“Don’t you dare swear.” I said, shaking my head, mimicking him. He narrowed his eyes at me and chucked a pair of jeans at my head. Letting them slide down my face and fall on my covers, i pursed my lips.

“Now that’s just rude.” I mumbled, jumping down and walking to my wardrobe. I picked out my favourite sweater and raised an eyebrow at my brothers.

“What?” Stefan asked confused.

“Um, how do i put this nicely? Get out.” I said, pushing them both out and slamming my door shut.

-1 hour later-

“You can’t make me.”

“You’re going.”

“Ha! No, i’m not.”

“I’ll drag you.”

“I would love to see you try.”

“Stop being stubborn.”

“Stop trying to make me go to school.”

Stefan groaned in frustration and put his coat on, running a hand through his hair as he kicked at the open door.

“You have to go!” he snapped, frowning at me.

“Why? I’m over a hundred years old; i think school is out of the question.”

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