thirty one

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so here we go with chapter thirty one :) I really want to make a new cover for the story but I'm so bad at stuff like that so that'll have to wait till later aha :D

And I dedicated this chapter to GreenEyedFreak because her comment honestly made me smile so much, so thank you so much for that :D


- Chapter Thirty One - 

I continued glaring at Liam as he scowled at me, gently rubbing the spot on his chest where I had hit him with a petulant glare. He didn't answer for a while which only caused me to raise an eyebrow.

"Come on, the suspense is killing me." I snapped, folding my arms across my chest. I'd been in the dark with Liam for too long now and it was about time it came to an end and I got some of the answers that I deserved. When he caught the impatient stare I was giving him, he gently sighed before slowly lowering his hand from the spot he had previously been rubbing.

"You want answers." He said quietly, his blue eyes glaring at me in the darkness. I snorted in disbelief, lowering my arms from their crossed position as I shook my head. He let out a small chuckle. "Guess that was kind of an obvious thing, huh?" He laughed, shooting me a sheepish grin through the dark as he brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck.

I simply raised an eyebrow, before letting out a simple chuckle. I'd missed him, there was no denying that. I missed being able to have these stupid little pointless conversations with him. I missed being with him.

"Need I remind you, the others are waiting."

I shot a glare over my shoulder at Red Eyes, annoyed at the interruption. 

He simply glared back at me, his lip curling into a sneer as we stared back at each other challengingly for a few moments.

"Ass." I grumbled before turning back around to face Liam. I was a little taken aback to see his usually calm expression now tense and mildly irriated as he glared at the towering vampire behind us.

"Thanks for the reminder, Marcus." The tone in his voice made me tense up slightly. I wasn't use to this Liam; cold and strict. It wasn't a Liam I wanted to see or be around frequently.

"Your name's Marcus?" I scoffed, turning around to the burning red eye stare of the man that actually had a name. "Red Eyes suits you better."

His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he gave me a disgruntled look. "Red Eyes? Really?"

My lips formed into a grin but I didn't reply only causing his eyes to narrow at my silence. A small growl echoed around us as he stared at me. I was about to retort with a sarcastic response before a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me tightly to them. I squeaked in surprise as I looked up, only to see Liam frowning disapprovingly at Red Eyes. He glared at him for a few more moments, his grip on me tightening slightly before turning his glare down to me.

"Stop provoking him." He chastised gently but with a scolding tone. I simply rolled my eyes, feeling myself feel more comfortable and relaxed in the old vampire's grip. How old was Liam? I mean being an Original meant he was probably thousands of years old, right? But somehow that didn't that bother me.

'Marcus' looked at us in disgust, his expression gradually growing even more and more distasteful the longer he looked. After a while he simply shook his head, grumbling something indistinct under his breath before storming down the corridor and slamming the large metal door shut behind him as he disappeared.

"Did someone shit in his Cheerio's or something?" I asked, craning my head to look up at Liam from the tight embrace he still held me in.

Liam looked down at me and chuckled affectionately. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he stared down at me, his piercing gaze holding me in a trance. His eyes flickered down to my lips for a moment before he brought his lower lip between his teeth, a look of wondering and inner turmoil spreading across his flawless features.

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