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-Chapter Ten-

Liam looked at me for a moment, his eyes not flickering from mine as we both stared at each other. I felt a small smirk tug at my lips as i realised that he was stumped for an answer.

“Can’t a guy just stop by and talk to a pretty girl?” he asked, his eyes holding a mischievous glint as i playfully snorted.

“You’re a Mikaelson. You guys don’t roll like that.” I pointed out; raising an eyebrow as my smirk grew wider, watching him bite his lip gently.

A silence engulfed us for a few moments, both of us continuing to stare at one another waiting until the other broke the silence. I knew he wasn’t about to say anything, and i didn’t really have anything to say.

Why was he here? Didn’t he have so important vampire decapitation to attend or something?

As i filtered through various reasons he might be here, i froze as one certain reason crossed my train of thought.

My mouth dropped slowly, still staring at him as i realised that was the most likely reason he was here.

“You’re spying on me, aren’t you?” i gasped, crossing my arms.

His eyes widened, a look of disbelief crossing his face. “No, no, no, no! I’m not spying on you! Why in the hell would i be spying on you?” he asked, an incredulous look crossing his features.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s quite flattering to have my own personal stalker.” I teased, smiling innocently at him.

“I’m not your personal stalker.” He said, frowning seriously. I bit my tongue, stifling back the laugh as i realised how badly he was getting wound up.

“Did you watch me change this morning?”

“What in the name of-!” He shouted, throwing his hands in the air, a flustered look crossing his face as he stared at me, horrified. “Why would i do that?! That’s just weird!”

“Last time i checked, you ARE we-“

“I have not been stalking you!” He said with finality, pinching his fingers for emphasis. I smirked, my eyes watching him carefully.  He frowned at my expression, starting to get annoyed. “And that’s not the reason i’m here so wipe that smirk of your face.” He grumbled, crossing his arms as he turned away from me, a disgruntled look covering his porcelain-like features.

My eyes scanned over his face, taking in the small details. Clear spot-free skin. Pale complexion. Amazing jaw-line. Neat eyebrow-

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

I shook my head, breaking the trance that had suddenly fogged my mind. I looked back up to him, blue eyes shining as i realised he was the one that was now smirking.

“I wasn’t staring at you.” I said in denial, shaking my head as i tried to convince myself.

His smirk only grew, making me narrow my eyes as i gently reached out and punched his shoulder.

“Shut up.” I grumbled quietly, fiddling with the strap of my bag as i turned on my heel and started walking towards the old building that was my school.

Upon hearing footsteps behind me, I looked over my shoulder to see a grinning Liam following me.

“Not a stalker, eh?” i teased, looking up at him as he jogged up beside me while we both climbed the steps towards the main door.

This time he narrowed his eyes at me playfully, his muscled arm reaching above me to push open the door, his foot darting out to keep it from shutting.

He motioned his arm for me to go first, bowing sarcastically.

“Ladies first.” He chuckled while i rolled my eyes, ducking under his arm as my shoes squeaked on the new tiled floor of the corridor.

“Such a gentleman.” I laughed, pausing in my steps for him to catch up. The door slammed as the wind forced it closed, muffling the loud ring of the school bell.

“You still haven’t answered my question.” I stated as we silently walked through the corridor, Liam still following me as i headed towards my English classroom.

“You asked a question?” he asked, his voice sounding innocent.

I shook my head, chuckling to myself. From the corner of my eye i saw him look over at me, his eyes sparkling.

“I’m here to learn.”

“That’s rich!”

“I am!”

“You’re like 200 years old, i’m sure you’ve learnt more than enough.”

“Learning is earning.”

“That’s not even a phrase.”

“I know, shut up.”

I abruptly stopped, placing a hand on my hip as i glared at him, determined to figure out why he was here.

“Come on, Liam, just tell me.” I shrugged, making it out to be nothing. He bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes watching me carefully as he decided to tell me or not.

It seemed like hours before he finally rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor.

“I came to see you.”


there's another picture of liam on the side c:






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