twenty nine

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- Chapter Twenty Nine -

The first thing that became apparent when I regained consciousness was that I was definitely going to have a headache for weeks to come.

Groaning, my hand instinctively reached up to my head where I pressed my cool but clammy hand against the sensitive spot on my head. I closed my eyes tightly as the pain began to pound in every part of my head, causing me to grimace in discomfort.

The next thing I noticed was that there was an exceedingly bright light hanging from the ceiling and was probably put there to annoy the hell out of me.

I tentatively pulled my hand away from my aching head and let out a painful hiss as I reached that hand up to my eyes in an attempt to shield my eyes from the almost-blinding light.

I growled in annoyance as I went to stand but almost immediately fell down again due to the chain's clamped around my ankles. I reached out and grabbed them, the cool metal contrasting against my warm skin. I scowled down at them.

"What is this, dungeon and dragons?" I muttered to myself before pulling as hard as I could in an attempt to try and dislodge them. I yelped as I fell on my back, rubbing at the bottom of my back from the impact with concrete. Scowling at the dark grey wall, I looked over my shoulder, finally seeing the crimson red doorway in the centre of the opposite wall. A sound of gratitude fell from my lips as I tentatively stood up, walking slowly towards the door, only to see that bars were placed in the small window gap, preventing me from seeing over them.

The annoyance that had been bubbling up inside me suddenly burst to the surface as I spun around and kicked the wall with all my might, a large crack echoeing around the small room from the impact. My chest heaved up and down as I felt myself get more and more worked up. 

Who just kidnaps people at a party? I mean who does that?

And with that simple thought it all came rushing back to me. My eyes widened as the scene before I blacked out played like a clip through my mind.

Dylan. He had hit me. He'd kidnapped me. The echoeing crack from the slap replayed in my head causing me to close my eyes and wince.

A deep growl echoed deep within my throat as my eyes suddenly shot open, my chest heaving up and down as I was sure my eyes had darkened to a dark red. "DYLAN!" I screamed, throwing all my body weight against the door. "OI! DYLAN THE DICK, GET OUT HERE AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN."

There was a moment of silence before a deep and sinister growl could be heard from behind the door. A small yelp escaped my mouth as I jumped back in surprise. The growl faded as it obviously realised I had backed off before I narrowed my eyes. "C'mon, grow a pair!" I shouted, my mouth acting before my mind could process what situation I was about to get myself into.

A pair of dark red eyes appeared between the bars, staring me down in an attempt to subdue me. 

"Oh what? You think just because you have red eyes I'm going to run away and cry?" I challenged, going to lunge for the door once again, but cursing when I scowled down at the chains on my ankles. "And what's with the chains? What kind of kinky messed up things are you into?" 

I knew throwing insults at the red eyes probably wasn't the smartest move, but neither was kidnapping a Salvatore.

Especially me.

"Be quiet." The voice growled in a low tone, the eyes narrowing in the darkness that engulfed his surroundings. It was quite a contrast, the darkness of outside the cell compared to the bright lights inside of my cell.

"Why don't you make me?" I shot back, throwing the eyes a sore glare.

"Don't make me come in there and make you." The eyes suddenly rose to the tallest they could without going out of view, making me frown. He'd been crouching all this time?

"I'd love to see you try." I huffed back, not changing my posture in the slightest. It was going to take a lot more than a simple threat to make me back down. Because with my current mood; I was ready for some blood shedding.

"Elijah said you'd be difficult." They grunted in response.

That caught my attention. Whipping my head around to stare at him, I frowned. "Elijah? What's he got to do with this?"

The deep and patronising chuckle only made me more curious. "Yeah, alright Mr. Chuckle Pants, calm down." I quipped. 

The sound was almost immediately cut off as soon as the words had left my mouth. "I thought I told you to be quiet."

I rolled my eyes. "I thought I told you to make me."

I could tell from the slight intake of breath I heard that he was about to retaliate but before he could, the sound of metallic clanking caught my attention, causing both Red Eyes and I to pause our banter in order to identify what was going. I frowned as the sound of a metal door smashing against concrete could be heard.

"He wants to speak to her." The voice was unfamiliar and raspy, only causing me to slump against the wall beside me. The earlier rushes of anger and adrenaline suddenly draining me. I took in a slow breath, releasing it as I slid down the wall.

I looked up at the crimson door once again with droopy eyes, feeling suddenly vulnerable at how I was obviously outnumbered and alone. 

Red Eyes glanced into the cell and I could see a set of sharp and crystal white teeth grin menacingly through the bars. "Finally."

I scowled weakly up at the inside but gave up after a while and simply rolled my eyes, throwing my head back against the wall with a gentle thump.

"I'm going to cut Dylan's balls off for this." I muttered weakly before closing my eyes and trying to find some peace within the prison I was being kept.


Bit more of a filler and 'this is what's happening' lead up chapter (that's why it's so short lol), but still a chapter nonetheless :) 

So, on a good note, I've finished all my exams and so far have got nothing below a C, meaning I've passed everything so far wOOOO.

Thank you guys for all the support and comments :D You guys are literally the most awesome ever.

For the next chapter:

- 35 votes


And I'm currenly in the process of writing a few different fanfictions but I'm a little skeptical of uploading them...Oh well, we'll see how it goes. Would you guys be interested in reading any other fanfics? Like Teen Wolf/One Direction/The Hunger Games?

idk it's just an idea :)


- Emma :B

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