thirty four

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anway i have completed DofE aND I PASSED WOOOO *celebration dance* so the expedition is out of the way and all that is left is annual camp which is on the 27th D: then i'll be gone for 12-14 days and yeah

but fret not

it shall all be over soon

also dedicated to emiliemoore1234 bc she literally made me cackle, you're hilaroius omg aND she gave me a good idea so thank you v v much for that

here's chapter thirty four for you minions

-Chapter Thirty Four-

Grinning up at Finn, I placed a hand innocently on my hip as I waited for him to reply. All I wanted to do, right now, was get this 'discussion' over with and go home so I could just go to bed on my nice, very comfy bed.

Finn tilted his head down to look at me, a half smile present on his face as he stood to the side, swaying his arm out to the side as a signal for me to go in the direction he was motioning. I nodded my head slightly, forcing myself to move forwards, grinning evilly at Dylan as he growled at me when I passed, causing me to snicker. Karma's a bitch.

I pressed my lips together when I saw Rebekah and Kol stood either side of a large chair, Rebekah leaning casually over the top of it, her arms folded with a smirk that made my skin crawl. Swallowing slightly, I continued to push myself forward, knowing that they probably only did want to talk and nothing more. About what? I had no idea. I guess I'll find out in a moment.

"Please," Rebekah grinned, pushing herself away from the chair and nodding her head down towards it, "take a seat."

I shot her a sarcastic grin before an emotionless expression replaced it, allowing myself to sink down, trying desperately to ignore the intimidation I felt as the four Originals and Dylan stared down at me curiously.

It was silent for a moment and I took the opportunity to cross over my legs quickly, leaning back into the plush material that covered the wooden frame of the chair, letting myself relax in the silence that engulfed all of us. My foot absentmindedly began to tap in mid-air, my lips puckering out in a bored manner as I raised a challenging eyebrow at Dylan who was sneering at me from across the room.

When he didn't divert the sneer once we made eye contact, I frowned, cocking my head to the side as I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Do I have something on my face or are you just enjoying the view?" I snapped, the mere prescence of him irritating me beyond belief.

His sneer grew across his face, his eyes narrowing. "Have you ever thought about maybe using glue instead of lip balm?"

"Have you ever thought about growing a pair of balls?"

"Have you ever thought about actually making an effort with your appearance?"

"Have you ever thought about taking a look in the mirror and asking yourself that question?"

"What are you trying to say?" He growled, moving his good hand away from his now-dislocated shoulder and stepping towards me, his teeth bared and eyes narrowed dangerously.

I was about to jump out my seat and fight this little shit when Liam suddenly stood in front of me, gripping Dylan's damaged shoulder, a loud growl erupting from his throat. I grinned over his shoulder, watching Dylan stare at me, obviously trying not to cry out in pain from where Liam was holding him.

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