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-Chapter Fourteen-

As soon as the bell rang, I shovelled everything into my bag and scrambled out the door. There was no point in waiting for Stefan because I'd just meet him by the car. Plus he'd probably take Elena to her locker and then they'd make out for like 20 minutes.

So once I was in the hallway and blended in with the other students that had suddenly multiplied in the corridor, I let out a slow breath, happy to be practically invisible to everyone.

I took my time, slowly moving between the teenagers and making no effort to reach our car that was parked outside. I looked over my shoulder, hoping that maybe Elena and Stefan had forgotten their make out session so I could get home and just relax.

I had no such luck. The only person I did recognize was Jeremy, Elena's younger brother. Just as he looked up from his phone, I turned back around, not wanting to engage in a conversation with anyone.

I hadn't really spoken to him before. I'd spoken to him...once? When Stefan and I had gone to collect Elena and I'd been left alone with him on the porch while Stefan went and hurried Elena up.

He wasn't boring. He seemed like a really nice guy but I just got the feeling whenever we talked it was forced.

Pushing aside thoughts of him, I slowly followed a group of girls who took their time opening the door and walking painfully slowly down the stairs.

I know I'd said I wasn't in a rush, but no one wants to walk at the pace of a snail if it can be avoided. And unfortunately I couldn't shove past them because I'm pretty sure they'd all start scratching at me with their fake nails.

So I silently followed them, rolling my eyes when they stopped for a few seconds to gasp at a sudden text the leader had gotten.

When they finally reached the end of the steps, I shot them a quick look before shaking my head and walking towards the familiar black car near the end of the car park.

As I started to make the walk, I reached into my hoodie pocket, grabbing my phone.

I slid the lock across, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear as it blew into my eyes. I was just about to open the small flashing message icon when a sudden slam echoed behind me.

I jumped and quickly spun around, staring wide eyed at the boy on the floor.

I stared down at Tyler with my mouth agape.

What in the heck?

My eyes strayed from the panting and blushing werewolf to the tall, handsome vampire who had his foot pressed against Tyler's chest, stopping him from getting up.

I stared at Liam with wide eyes, my mind trying to process what was happening.

But as I looked closer at Liam I saw that his eyes were black and he was panting heavily, trying to keep his mouth shut. He was pissed.

"Try and do that to her again," he paused, lowering his head closer to Tyler, who looked up at Liam in bewilderment. "And I swear to God, I will hurt you."

A small shiver rippled down my spine at his words. The fierce anger behind his words impacted both Tyler and I. Tyler just stared at Liam, his eyes wider than normal as he pressed his lips together and didn't say anything.

I frowned at the two, still trying to figure out just what had happened. Before I could ask, Liam removed his foot, still scowling angrily at Tyler, who quickly scrambled up and brushed off his clothes.

I looked behind the two boys, relief washing over me as I saw no one saw what had just happened.

"Go." Liam instructed firmly, watching Tyler carefully as he stormed away, shooting us a quick look over his shoulder before disappearing amongst the cars.

A moment of silence passed between us as I looked at Liam.

"Right...what happened exactly?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Liam folded his arms. "He was trying to get you from behind."

I stared at him.

"Is that a sexual reference or am I missing something?"

"What in the-?!"

"By the way you said that, don't even try and deny that didn't sound dirty." I accused, pointing my finger at him as I looked at him sternly.

He simply rolled his eyes, pushing my finger down as he looked at me. "He was trying to attack you from behind." He elaborated.

I frowned in outrage, my mouth dropping open as I whipped around in the direction of where Tyler disappeared.

"What an absolute woos! Trying to take me from behind, next time I see him I'm gonna fly kick his balls!" I ranted, throwing my arms in the air.

Liam let out a snort, shaking his head amusedly as he let me rant on about how Tyler was an annoying little shit that couldn't handle a proper fight.

"At least he didn't do anything." Liam shrugged. I looked at him, a small smile crawling onto my lips.

"Yeah, thanks for that." I nodded, still smiling. He shrugged, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"It's no bother. It was like taking down a marshmallow."

At that I let out a burst of laughter, an image of Tyler dressed as a giant marshmallow popping into my head. Liam joined in with me, both of us laughing for a few minutes.

"I'm glad you're alright though." He said after a while, smiling sweetly at me. A warm sensation spread across my body, butterflies bouncing around in my stomach at his words.

I looked at him. Like seriously looked. I took in the pale complexion of his face. The flawlessness, not one spot or blemish on his porcelain-like skin. The way his hair was neatly combed but stylishly ruffled. The way his blue eyes seemed to hold so much mystery. The rosy red tint on his lips shone wherever he stood.

The way he made me feel like I was walking on clouds whenever we spoke.

Who was he?

Who was Liam Mikaelson?

"So am I." I gently laughed after a while, noting the silence that had succumbed around us as I studied him. He let out a chuckle, the smile spreading across his face at the playfulness between us.

When the laughter died down, I looked over his shoulder, noticing Stefan and Elena coming out of the school doors.

"I better go." I simply said, shooting him a small smile as my brother started to walk down the steps, not noticing that I was standing in the middle of the car park with a stranger.

So observant, Stefan.

Liam nodded knowingly, probably guessing that I needed to get home. He simply shot me a smile, saluting with two fingers before turning on his heel and slowly walking off towards the woods beside the school.

I frowned, wondering why he was walking in that direction but shrugged it off.

"Hey, Liam!" I called, cupping my hands so he could hear me. He paused, looking over his shoulder.

"Thanks, again!" I said, sticking a thumb up in his direction. He nodded, turning around to sarcastically bow. I let out a chuckle, watching as he turned his back to me, his dark figure slowly disappearing amongst the darkness of the forest.

I continued staring into the woods, almost as if I couldn't remove my eyes, like they were fixed. I ran my tongue along my teeth in thought.

Why had I never heard of him before?


I blinked a few times, trying to refocus my vision as I turned to my brother. He stood with his brows furrowed, Elena had her eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"What are you looking at?" Elena asked, staring at me.

"Nothing." I smiled, trying to brush of their concern. I know they'd noticed my weird behaviour. I didn't want them finding out about Liam.

It would only cause big brother drama and the whole girly talking about everything thing. Me and Liam were nothing serious and I doubt we ever could be. He was an Original.

And rumour has it that Originals aren't allowed to fall in love. Or more like they couldn't. Apparently they're incapable of compassion. I shuddered at the thought.

Not being able to love someone is like not being allowed to have popcorn when you watch a movie.

Yeah. Pretty horrific.

"Right, ok." Stefan said, pressing his lips in a thin line. I stared at both of them, looking between them as I ran my tongue over my teeth again, a habit of mine. I simply rolled my eyes, turning to move past them and head towards the car.

As I passed Stefan, I gently punched his shoulder, staring up at him before walking away. "Quit worrying about me."

He chuckled, grabbing Elena's shoulder and turning around to follow me.

"I never stop worrying about you." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes again, aware that he couldn't see me. But even so a playful grin curled at my lips as I walked towards our car.


So my Internet is being a real idiot at the moment and its hard to get online BUT I'm trying my best to update as often as I can :)

So for the next chapter

- 5 votes


It just gives me motivation :)

Thank you for reading and voting and fanning and commenting :D

- Emma :B

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