twenty eight

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This chapter's probably going to be quite a long one, so enjoy :)

- Chapter Twenty Eight -

I allowed myself to fully relax as I sat in Elena's car, closing my eyes in an attempt to forget the argument I had just had with my brothers and focus on having fun and just letting myself go a little.

Elena and I swapped a few words, laughing and all in all just getting ready to party the night away and enjoy the moments where we could just forget all our troubles.

It was almost too soon until we pulled up into the driveway of the party, all the lights in the house were on and music could be heard even from inside the car. There were a few teenagers milling outside, all holding similar red cups and talking to one another. I took in a deep but silent breath, clenching my hands to stop my hands from shaking.


You've got this.


My eyes shot around to Elena. She was staring at me with a curious eyebrow raised, a look of concern washing over her features. "You ok?" She asked, a frown appearing between her eyes.

I scoffed, reaching for the handle of the car door as I pushed down any doubt that desperately wanted to poke it's ugly head out and laughed lightly. "I'm great, now let's get this party started."

She simply sent me a warm smile before clambering out the car with me, both of us slamming the doors simultaneously. I walked over to Elena's side, a smirk on my face as I caught a glimpse of the dancing silhouettes in the larger window of the house, various colours of lights flashing through the glass.

I looked over at Elena as she linked her arm in mine, an eager smile on her face as she started to pull me towards the double door entrance to the bigger-than-I-expected house. As we passed, most of the teenagers turned to look at us, some nodding and mumbling greetings while one guy wolf-whistled loudly across the lawn at us, causing my cheeks to flush a light pink colour as Elena continued to pull me in the house.

As soon as we walked in, the cold night air dissipated and we were engulfed by the warmth of huddled bodies and the smell of alcohol and mixed fragrances. A grin made it's way across my face as I allowed the music playing to calm my nerves and relax every muscle in my body. My eyes fell on the make-shift dance floor in the living room where the leather sofa's were pushed to the edges of the room and the large wooden space in the centre was filled with a bunch of mingled bodies dancing. In one corner was a DJ booth where some kid had the typical headphones wrapped aorund his neck as he bounced to the thumping music around us.

I found my body lightly swaying as I felt the music vibrate around us, through the floors, through the walls and through my entire body. Even though my hearing was more sensitive than normal, the music was almost welcome instead of being uncomfortable and almost painful.

All together, I think I liked the atmosphere.

Elena let out a sudden woop, throwing her free hand in the air as she bounced her head to the lyrics of the song 'Fancy' that was echoeing around us. I laughed loudly, the noise disppearing in the midst of the screaming teenagers and thunderous music. She suddenly started to pull me through the dance floor, her eyes showing determination as she shoved all the grinding bodies to the side.

I followed obediantly, even though I didn't have much of a choice, and simply apologised on behalf of my steam-roller best friend as she threw herself amongst everyone. I let out a quiet yelp as I felt someone's hand touch my butt and tried to scowl over my shoudler, not able to catch a glimpse as Elena dragged me past the dance floor and into another room.

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