thirty five

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ok so quick note that is going to be the last update for about two weeks due to annual camp literally being tomorrow (i am actually shxtting myself lmao bc testing and possible chance to get promoted to lance corporal omfg) and the day after i come back is my mum's birthday so yeah this is going to be short and not proof read bc it's like eleven at night and i have to be up early so yeah enjoy ily all

-thirty five-

Shock. That's the only word  I can use to describe my state at the moment. My mouth had opened and closed multiple times but I wasn't able to form a single word. My hands tensely gripped the chair arm my arms were resting on and I opened my mouth to speak once again, only for it to close as I frowned angrily at the floor.

My head suddenly shot up, my eyes locking onto Liam who had moved to stand behind Elijah, who was waiting patiently for me to say something. Staring at Liam I couldn't help but wonder if he knew. If all this time he knew, and all this flirting and tension we had been doing the past couple of months was all a complete lie to reel me in to his family. I felt a pang of betrayal in my chest, my eyes narrowing in hurt as I continued to stare at him in shock. 

Upon seeing my facial expression, his eyebrows srunched together in confusion his head cocking to the side slightly as if analysing my sudden change in behaviour. His eyes bore into mine, the sea-blue colour making my heart race just that little bit faster as we stared at each other.

"Did you know?" I croaked out finally, my fingernails now digging into the wood as I tried to fight back the pain I felt at the thought of Liam just toying around with me.  I bit down on my lip as I felt myself grow more and more upset at the knowledge that all of the memories we had made so far were a lie, meaning absolutely nothing to him.

His eyes widened and he slowly tried to step towards me sympathetically, only for Elijah to immediately jut out his arm and prevent his brother from reaching me. As much as I wanted to just bury my face in Liam's chest and scream at him for answers, I was silently thankful to Elijah for doing it as I didn't know what to think right now.

"Brook, no, I had no idea. Do you really think I wouldn't of told you if I had known?" He asked, his arm reaching up to push Elijah's little barrier away. Elijah just grunted in annoyance, shooting his younger brother a small glare over his shoulder. Liam shot Elijah a dangerous glare back, his teeth baring in annoyance as he let out a small growl, trying to push past his brother. 

"Liam, stop." I whispered, the words barely audible to those who didn't have the hearing of a vampire. Upon hearing my words, the two brothers immediately stopped the small wrestling session they were having and looked at me, both sharing identical sympathetic looks. Their arms both lowered as I chewed on my bottom lip, my gaze diverting away from the Originals and finding a sudden great interest in the bookshelf behind them. I felt like such a sap. He probably didn't even know, I was just assuming things.

But how could all of the other Originals know and not Liam? It just didn't make sense. And despite the fact that he desperately tried to reassure me that he didn't know, it offered me little comfort. It must've been the creepy grin Rebekah gave me over their shoulders.

I continued to fidget in my seat, the uncomfortable atmosphere in the room making me squirm even more. It was really off-putting.

It was about five minutes later that someone gently called my name, making me blink a few times before turning my head up to sadly smile at Elijah, a silent apology for zoning out.

"I can vouch for my brother when I tell you that he honestly had no idea about your abilities." He smiled, his words making my shoulders relax as I fell back into the cushioned seat. "He was as clueless as you were."

My eyes lazily rolled over to Liam, my eyebrow raising in question as to whether Elijah's statement was true. I just needed confirmation.

He looked down and took in a deep breath, his hands messily running through his hair anxiously. "I'd never lie to you, Brook."

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I felt myself relax. "Okay." I whispered, the small smile just visible.

"Oh, for the love of God," Rebekah suddenly screeched from the other end of the room, her arms folded petulantly across her chest as she leant against the wooden bookcase near the end of the room. "Enough with the mushy stuff please."

"I agree with Rebekah," Dylan growled, his eyes glaring hatefully at both Liam and I. "Get a room." He hissed. I raised an eyebrow, my hand slowly coming up from the arm of the chair it was resting on and slowly raising my middle finger at him with an emotionless look on my face. Even though I could care less what the others in the room thought of my action, I heard Rebekah and Finn laugh loudly from across the room and I even saw Kol spread a small grin as much as he tried to hide it. 

I rolled my eyes when Dylan growled again, his whole 'macho big guy' act starting to piss me off in more ways than one. 

Liam shot me a dirty grin at Dylan's remark, his straight white teeth slowly coming into view. "Gladly," he said, the huskiness in his voice sending a small shiver down my spine and the invite being something I wanted to accept right there and then.

"Ok..." Rebekah recovered from her laughter, grimacing at the both of us. "ew."

Liam rolled his eyes at his older sister and frowned at her as she playfully ruffled his hair, giggling as he desperatetly tried to flatten and shape it back down.

"Alright, alright, enough," Elijah chastised after a few more minutes of the younger Mikaelson's bickering. He grinned over at me, folding his arms in front of him and nodding slightly. "Let's get down to business."


ok yep really shitty chapter, i apologise for its awfulness and bad grammar/spelling but i am exhausted and probably will be for the next two weeks god help me i'm going to die

but yeah thank you for the continuous support of this story, i can't thank you guys enough

i'm not going to put a vote or comment goal bc you guys are going to be waiting for two weeks and i feel bad so yeah :)


- Emma

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