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-Chapter Four-

By the curling of his upper lip, i was only guessing that I’d somewhat offended his ego. And his dignity...and everything else in between.

He leant down and glared at me, making me shuffle backwards in surprise.

“I might just have to.” He snarled before straightening up and walking away to the back of the class, taking a seat next to Caroline who had just walked in and sat down, shooting me a warm smile.

“Whatever.” I mumbled, turning back to the front and trying to focus on the lesson.  I cradled my head in my hand as the teacher randomly scribbled down notes and dates on the board but my mind kept drifting.

He just might have to?

Did that mean he was going to try and punch me?

Well good bloody luck because;

a)      Stefan would MURDER him.

b)      I would murder him.

c)       He’d probably break his hand.

d)      Stefan would murder him...again.

The class finished after way too long and i found myself wandering the corridors alone, my find still drifting to Tyler. Why was he so rude to me? He didn’t even know me. I hadn’t done anything to him, so why was he so rude? I only asked him to move.

I wasn’t asking for a kidney.

And when he refused to move, i hit him. In my mind that made perfect sense. But noooooo, of course not.

I found my next classroom and this time sat at the back of the classroom; hoping Tyler didn’t have a seat back here. I wasn’t scared of him. I just didn’t want to slap him. Because that would be animal abuse.

I just didn’t want to argue; I’ve only just come back and i didn’t want it to start off with a fight and arguments.

It just wasn’t worth it.

I was just placing my bag under the desk when something hit me hard in the head; sending me plunging towards the wooden desk. I groaned as my head impacted but quickly shot up and glared at the back of Tyler’s head.

“Oh, sorry.” He laughed, sitting down in the desk in front of me. I growled. Enough was enough.

“Oh, piss off!” i shouted, taking off my shoe and hurtling it towards the back of his head. The heel connected with the back of his neck; his face repeating the process that just happened to me. Take that, Tyler.

Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?

He slowly turned in his chair, eyes immediately glaring into mine. I kept an emotionless face as i stared back at him, he deserved it.

“You little-“

“What? Little what, Tyler?” i snarled, leaning forward on my desk. His eyes widened slightly as i used his name. I had the advantage here; i knew his name and he didn’t know mine...i think.

I hope.

Otherwise we’re even. And that wouldn’t be good.

He opened his mouth to say something but i smirked, an evil twitch at the corner of my lips. He frowned, confused at my gesture.

“Oh, i get it.” I said, my smirk still displayed. His eyes widened, darting to either side as he tried to understand what i was talking about.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He growled, his eyes narrowing. I knew something was off about him! I knew he smelled of wet dog!

“You’re a-“ i started, just before his large hand clamped over my mouth making me frown up at him, that’s just rude.

“Matated.” I muttered, crossing my legs under the desk as he continued to leave his hand on my mouth.

“What?” he hissed quietly, ignoring the people that were filing in shooting us awkward glances.

I reached up and grabbed his wrist, my nails digging into his skin slightly as i slowly brought it away from my mouth.

“I said bastard.”

I know, i know. I curse like a sailor. But that happens when you grow up in an all-male household. I grew up with my two brothers and my father. It was bound to happen that i would swear...when Damon wasn’t listening.

He frowned and shook his wrist, my nails obviously leaving a mark on his skin. I smirked, crossing my arms as he continued watching me, slowly lowering himself into the seat in front of me.

“You’re a freak.” He whispered, clearly not expecting me to hear it.

Uh, news flash.

Vampire – super sonic hearing.


“And you’re a werewolf.” I muttered, smiling as his head snapped towards me.

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