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AN: okay so I'm just clarifying because there have been a lot of comments on this one extract from this chapter and thERE IS A REASON I DID NOT MENTION ALL OF THE ORIGINALS. I AM AWARE I DID NOT MENTION ALL OF THEM. OKAY? Okay, awesome glad we cleared that up. Enjoy :)

-Chapter Eight-

I stared at the window, frowning slightly as i tried to process what had just happened.

They knew i was back? They were watching me?

#stalkers #alert

I brushed off the creepy i'm-being-watched-right-now-as-we-speak feeling and walked to my door, throwing my pillow onto my bed as i left the room and walked bare-footed down the corridor.

A small shiver ran up my spine as the cold wood pressed against my warm feet. Stupid old house with no internal heating except for fires.

You would honestly think they would enter the modern age and at least have radiators. I mean come on.

Trotting down the stairs, i jumped the last step and slid across the floor and into the living room, almost falling over as i skidded onto the rug.

I balanced myself before falling and quickly brushed off my trousers, acting as if nothing happened.

I looked up and saw my brothers sat on the sofa, both mumbling quietly. I frowned and walked up to them from behind the sofa.

"Yo." I said, crouching down so i was eye-level with the back of the sofa, my eyes just able to be seen as i stared up at my two brothers. Stefan quickly spun around with wide eyes and looked at me, a frown replacing his shocked expression.

"Who were you talking to upstairs?"

I froze and stared back, unable to speak.

They had heard.

I should've known.

But if they did hear me...why didn't they come up to see who it actually was?

Honestly people have no common sense these days, it's embarrassing.

My mouth ran dry as i tried to think of a sufficient excuse.


My eyes snapped to my left where Damon was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Who were you talking to?" He repeated, his eyes growing slightly darker as i remained silent for a few more moments.

"I was on the phone." I quickly lied, my body still frozen in its crouched position. I almost gulped as Damon's eyes narrowed and he turned his head to look at me.

"You don't have a phone."

SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. My heart beat picked up slightly as my palms started to sweat.




"I'm not as ancient as you are, remember?" I smiled, slowly rising so that i was standing and walking towards the study that was located next to the living room. I held my breath as i waited for him to realise i hadn't actually admitted to not having a phone.

"Oh, that's rude." Damon chuckled, but neither of them questioned me further.

Thank Jesus.

Grabbing a hold of the study door, i pushed the door with my shoulder, cringing slightly at the sharp creek it made when opening. I coughed and waved my hand in front of my face at all the dust.

Ever heard of cleaning?

Still coughing slightly, i walked into the room and looked around for the large bookshelf. Surely it couldn't be that hard to find a massive bookshelf in a semi-large ro-

"Bingo." I mumbled, walking over to the large wooden bookshelf. Different coloured books lined the shelves, different fonts and patterns elaborated onto the spines. Scanning the various titles i searched for the section 'Vampires'.

I pressed my forefinger against the hardback book covers, trailing it along them as i searched for the title i was looking for.

"L...M...N...O." i stopped, and smiled as i found the right book, grabbing the top of the book and pulling it out. I wiped my arm across the dusty cover, coughing slightly as i opened it up. I raised an eyebrow at how brown the pages had turned over time. The last time i'd been in this study, every single books' pages had been crisp and white; barely touched.

And now they were all brown and ew.

"The Originals." I mumbled, reading the title aloud as i backed up into the large armchair in the corner, plonking myself down and crossing my legs, resting the book on my crossed leg.

Might as well get comfortable.

I mumbled the various text that i came across, but none of it was what i was looking for. Sighing i flicked through the pages, searching for the family tree.

"and...BAM." I said, smiling as my hand splatted on the page that held the Mikaelson family tree. "Right ok...we have Elijah...Klaus...Rebekah...and...Liam. Oh. He does exist. Plot twist." I said, raising my eyebrows as i slumped in my seat. Since i'd never heard of Liam in the Mikaelson family, i actually started to doubt he was one of them.

But there it was in black and brown.

I know i know, it's black and white but the paper isn't exactly white anymore is it?

"What are you doing?"

Freezing where i was, i grabbed the book and threw it across the room. I quickly looked as it dropped near the other end of the room, far away from Damon as he stood staring at me, eyebrows raised at my sudden throwing.

"Um..." I said, standing up and smirking. "I was reading."

"You never read."

"Shut up, i can read."

"Could've fooled me."

I narrowed my eyes. "Rude." I mumbled, walking towards the door, glancing up at Damon who was glancing at the book i threw across the room.

"What were you even reading?" he asked, shaking his head as he made his way over to the book. My eyes widened as i saw him pick up the book. When he read the title, his jaw tightened and he tensed.

I cringed. My brother never really liked the Originals. So i guess he wasn't exactly...pleased that i was reading about them.

"Why were you reading about...them?" he said, frowning at me.

"Trying to catch up on everything." I smiled, feeling slightly on edge.

He threw the book down and stomped out of the library. I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh as i looked over my shoulder.

Who's supposed to be the hormonal teenager again?

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