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Hey dudes! Sorry for the delay in an update but it's been Christmas and I've had to transfer EVERYTHING from my old laptop to my new one, and I'm still not finished -_-

anyway, here we go :D

Chapter Twenty

I stared at the board, tapping my pencil impatiently against my ageing textbook.

"Cleopatra was female."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow and drop my jaw at the statement that just came out of my History teachers mouth.

Well, no, DUH. I turned my head to look at Elena, who looked just as dumbfounded by the obviousness of the statement.

As if sensing me staring, she turned her head, making an exasperated face and slamming her jaw into her palm.

"We've still got an hour to go." I pointed out, grinning manically at her. She looked at the front, checking the teacher wasn't looking before playfully flipping me the bird under her desk.

I let out a low laugh before shaking my head and turning back to the board, sighing as I realised he was writing up a shit load of obvious facts for me to copy up. 

Letting out a gush of air between my teeth, I pushed away my textbook, pulling forward my simple notebook. 

I slowly flipped it open, slowly scanning the pages in search of a new, unused one. When I came to it, I again, slowly began to write the title and first fact onto the page.

Once I finished, I raised my head, slumping my head to the side as I read the second fact.

Cleopatra was also Egyptian and married to Julius Caesur.

"Oh my God, did you just board a boat because you're captain obvious." I muttered under my breath, shaking my head as I continued to write down the stupid and most pointless fact.

My hand froze mid-sentence as I heard a round of giggles suddenly engulf the classroom. Looking up slightly, my eyes wide, I saw a few students look back at me and giggle, shooting me approving glances. 

Oh shit. Did I not whisper that?

"What was that, Miss Salvatore?"

Closing my eyes momentarily, I looked up, plastering on the most innocent smile I could muster at that point in time. "Nothing. Just saying  I admire your handwriting."

I grimaced at the narrowed eyed expression he suddenly shot me. "Is that sarcasm?"

I pulled my head back in a 'wow dude chill jeez' sort of way before shaking my head, and darting my eyes from side to side. "What? No! You're reading into this too much, just take the compliment."

His bushy eyebrows shot up, cocking his head to the side as he stared at me. I pressed the palm of my hand, forcefully onto my face, realising how 'rude' that sounded. It wasn't actually rude, but you know how teachers are, you say 'excuse me' and they react like you just stabbed their first child in front of them.

"Excuse me?"

As much as I wanted to reply 'you're excused' I pushed it down, simply muttering a 'sorry' that I certainly did not mean under my breath, keeping my head down to avoid his practiced icy teacher glare of disappointment.

I ignored the growing sea of snickers around the classroom from my fellow acquaintances and continued to just be a good little school child and copy up the notes that I would never look at again into my notebook, hoping to survive the rest of the lesson without another teacher hissy fit.

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