thirty two

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Right guys, initially I wasn't going to actually update until next weekend bc I have an army cadet camp this weekend (and I'm literally shxtting myself about it omfg bc adventures training hALP) but bc you guys are amazeballs I decided homework can just no and I'll update instead, so yOU'RE WELCOME

I haven't proof read this either bc I wanted to get it out for you guys as quick as possible so sorry in advance for any mistakes and stuff

also I posted a one direction fanfic and yeah the first chapter sucks bc prologue and yeah but if you want to check it out then go ahead (pls idk) anYWHO HERE WE GO WITH THIRTY TWO SORRY BYE ENJOY


-Thirty Two-

I stared blankly at Kol for a moment before turning back towards Liam, raising an eyebrow. "You never told me you had a manor."

His eyes darted to me momentarily before he grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back closer to him, looking down at me softly before returning his glare to his brother, who was still slowly making his way over to us.

"It didn't seem important to mention." He simply stated, his blue eyes following Kol's every move, as if waiting for Kol to pounce at any moment. I felt Liam stiffen beside me as Kol finally stopped in front of us, a smirk present on his face as he stared at us.

"I can see why you're so infatuated with her." Kol chuckled, shooting his younger brother an amused look before shaking his head, when Liam shot him a glare, his hand pulling me further away from Kol. I rolled my eyes but simply let him drag me around since whatever I said wouldn't change anything. I did, however, notice how Liam looked away bashfully, avoiding my curious gaze at his brother's statement.

And I was sure, if he actually had the ability to, the boy would've blushed by now. I simply grinned at him, raising an eyebrow as he mumbled a quiet 'shut up' to his brother, still avoiding my gaze after what Kol had said.

"Infatuated, eh?" I asked, chuckling slightly as he playfully nudged my shoulder and shot me a glare. But it didn't have the effect he was aiming for because a small smile was tugging at the edge of his rose-coloured lips.

We both stopped the little moment we were having when Kol simply cleared his throat, breaking Liam and I out of the small trance we had entered. I blinked at him and saw Liam glare at his brother once again for the interruption.

"Sorry to interrupt," Kol raised his eyebrow at Liam, but anyone could tell that he was most certainly not sorry. "But we do have to get going. Elijah is eager to see her."

"I'm sure he is." Liam growled, his eyes darkening slightly in anger. I awkwardly took a step back from the hostility held in the two Originals' challenging glares. A low whistle fell from my lips as I bit my lip, the tension in the atmosphere growing thicker as the moments passed on.

"Liam." Kol said through clenched teeth. "We're trying to help."

"You're trying to help?" Liam snapped, stepping forward so that his shoulder was shielding me slightly from Kol's view. "How is kidnapping her helping in anyway?" He demanded incredulously.

"It was a necessary action we had to take." Kol snapped back, irritation clear in both his tone and expression. I gulped at the anger that was radiating off both the vampires before me. I instinctively huddled closer to Liam, feeling safer the closer I was to him. I noticed how he leant back upon my advance, obviously sensing my uneasiness with the situation.

"He didn't have to knock her unconscious." The protective tone made me huddle just a little closer to him, trying my best to calm him down without getting in the way of the heated argument that was taking place.

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