twenty two

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I'm not going to ramble and give you my list of excuses for lack of updates, so here's the next chapter >.< but I do warn you this may be a short chapter as I literally have my mother nagging at me :)

-Chapter Twenty Two-

I was sat on the big sofa in front of the fire, my knees tucked up closely to give Elena room on the end.

"He was jealous?" Elena snorted, leaning against my leg as she raised an eyebrow at me. I pulled my hoodie sleeves over my hands as I nodded my head, grinning slightly at the brief memory.

"You should've seen his face; absolutely priceless." I explained. Elena let out a small giggle, nodding her head in agreement. I studied the thoughtful look on her face and grinned as she said 'I would've payed to see that'.

A comfortable silence engulfed the room as we just sat next to each other, content with the quiet around us. I allowed my eyes to drift over to the flames, my vision unfocusing as I was whisked away into my thoughts.

How long had I actually known Liam? It's been about a month or two now?

Despite the small amount of time we had known each other, I felt like I'd known him for most of my life. He had that personnality that allowed you to really see into him despite the small amount of things he would actually tell you. Does that make sense? To be honest, it doesn't make sense to me either.

All I knew was that I was falling for him. And I was falling hard.

Perhaps I should buy a helmet.

A sort of insurance for if I break my neck or something.

My eyes watched the flames as they gracefully twirled and swirled around the logs, the light grey smoke rising in a dance around the wooden frame of the fireplace.

But there was still that question I'd been asking since that first moment I realised he was a Mikaelson...

What had I done to attract their attention?

"Do you know if he's actually an Original?"

My eyes snapped away from the flames, blinking my eyes a few times, that feeling of when you stare at a light for too long, plagueing behind my eyes.

I lifted my head up to look back at Elena, my eyebrows scrunching in a frown of thought as I contemplated her question.

I don't know, was he? I can't remember if it ever really came up in a conversation before.

I stammered for a moment before grabbing a hold of myself. "I-I'm not sure. Why?"

Her face was unreadable as she bit down on her lip, twisting it around as she stared at me. I shrunk deeper into the cushions of the sofa, feeling a little bit vulnerable of the scrutiny in her eyes. Was I supposed to know if Liam was a Mikaelson? Was it important?

"Elena, why?"

She blinked but still didn't say anything for a moment. I frowned as her eyes suddenly widened for a moment, her eyes blinking as though she had just been in a trance of some sort. Then she looked over at me and gave that innocent smile that people gave you when they knew something you didn't and refused to let you in on the gossip.

My frown deepened. I really hated it when people did that.

"It's not important."

"Don't. Don't try and worm your way out of this."

"I'm no-"

"Is there a cow in here, because I smell major bullshit."

"Is sarcasm your second language or something?"

I clenched my teeth slightly at the annoyingly quick avoidance to the question.

"What can I say, it comes naturally."

"I can see that."

"And I can see that you're clearly trying to avoid my question, and guess what? I want to know why."

A blank look fell across her face. "It's not important."

"Again with the cows and bullshit!"

"Forget I said anything."

"'Forget I said anything,'" I mocked in a much higher voice than she had ever spoken in, screwing up my face for effect.

"Real mature."

"I'm practically a cheese."

"That was really bad."

"Don't you mean cheesy."

"Please stop."

"I'm a great cracker at jokes."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"You eat cheese...with No, fine." I rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed that she had ruined my roll.

I was playing with a small thread of my hoodie sleeve when I suddenly realised that I was the one to change the topic of the conversation that time.


I suddenly clamped my lips shut, my eyes widening a little as I realised I cursed myself aloud. From the expression on Elena's face and her raised eyebrow, I had a small guess she was thinking of a line up of mental hospitals to ship me off to.

"What?" She asked, squinting her eyes slightly.

A mischevious grin spread across my face. "'It's not important.'" I mocked once again, not being able to resist.

"You're so lucky I'm not going to slap you."

I let out a loud bark of laughter just as the front door slammed open. Elena and I both turned to stare at the door and the two tall figures stalking in. We shared a glance, both obviously wanting to know what had gone on between my brothers.

"Good time, eh?" I smirked as they both appeared in the opening to the living room. Damon slammed the front door a little more forcefully than needed, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "That time of the month?"

I shrunk back into the sofa, my jokeful mood gone as Stefan stared at me with an evil look. As his twin, I knew fully well that meant he was pissed about something. And whenever Stefan was pissed, it was best to keep your mouth shut.

Damon stepped down off the step, stopping right behind our sofa. I pushed myself deeper into the cushions, and I was pretty sure that there wasn't going to be any more room to sink if they kept glaring at me.

Damon and Stefan swapped a look, looking to Elena for a moment before their gazes stopped on me. Their eyes burned into me, causing me to hunch my shoulders in an intimidated manner.

I slowly looked up to Damon as he stared down at me before speaking.

"We need to talk."



So, I watched Tangled, Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2 and Brave for the first time yesterday. THEY ARE SO COOL I WANT TO WATCH THEM ALL OVER AGAIN

I'm in a really disney mood these days, idk



for the next chapter:

- 20 votes


C'mon I know you can do it ;D


- Emma :B

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