Chapter 2

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When the next day I headed for breakfast, I found all my roommates already immersed in their sacred morning routines. Makena was there too, dressed in a short skirt and a glittery tank top. The old makeup from the night before slightly disfigured her beautiful features. With Kenyan parents, she was only ten years old when her family moved to the USA. We met her at the university.

At the time, Tiziano, Amaia, and I were looking for an extra roommate for our apartment. Although the girl was a few years older, friendship blossomed from the first moment.

"Good morning, Mak!" I chirped, poking her hips.

"Ssssh! Why are you yelling?"

Lab rat by day and party animal by night, we all wondered when Makena found time to sleep. Lachlan insisted that the girl did not sleep at all, instead taking one of those weird drugs her department produced.

Letting out a laugh, I hugged her. Her flawless ebony skin glistened under all the glitter she loved to apply whenever she went out.

"Our queen here had a busy night!" Tiziano handed me a cappuccino, freshly made from our coffee machine. 

One of the many gifts from Uncle Andrew. He was the youngest of my mother's four siblings and the only one who had moved from Scotland to the United States when my mother finally accepted her position as Luna alongside dad.

I thanked Tiziano, placing a kiss on his freshly shaven cheek while he was busy eating an almond croissant.

It was only a Wednesday, though that certainly did not stop Makena from hanging out with her gang of wild friends, a group studying pharmacy and radiology. These disciplines were considered the dumb little brothers of medicine, and doctors loved to make jokes about these easy subjects.

"It was fun. We ended up at this party." Makena shrugged as she bit into her croissant.

"Any new conquests?" Amaia asked without taking her eyes off her antique computer.

"A random guy from a business school of another pack. I just got back from his house." The subtle smirk told us everything.

"Which pack?" Tiziano pursed his lips. Being a huge wereball fanatic, his competitive side emerged.

Makena huffed, averting her eyes. "DD," she admitted under Tiziano's overcritical gaze.

DD was short of Dark Diamond. According to legends, you could not utter DD's full name unless you wished to bring bad luck upon your entire wereball team.

Sleeping with a Dark Diamond's pack member would be akin to committing high treason.

I sighed, shaking my head at that nonsense.

"Come on, don't think about it anymore, Mak." Tiziano patted her on the shoulder. "Everyone makes mistakes!" 

Makena rolled her eyes and was about to add a sarcastic comment but Tiziano continued his lecture. 

"Have you been sad or pessimistic lately? Negative emotions in your heart can increase the brain's ability to make bad decisions! Never forget that, baby, and you'll never make such mistakes again." As usual, Tiziano pulled out a quote about his favorite organ.

"Okay loves, I'm going to class. I've got an early one!" I called to my roommates and stroked Plutos' soft fur. My parents owned the apartment, as not many agencies would accept pets, especially like mine. I grabbed my takeaway cup, one more for my brother, and shoved a croissant in my mouth.

"See you tonight!" Tiziano shouted from the kitchen, while Makena handed me my bag. As I passed by my brother's apartment, the one just below ours, I knocked once with my knee as all my hands were occupied.

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