Part 1 - Chapter 1

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'The specific causes of neurological problems vary, but can include genetic diseases, congenital abnormalities or infections, environmental or lifestyle health problems including malnutrition and brain injury, spinal cord injury, nerve injury and gluten. Metal poisoning, in which metals accumulate in the human body and disrupt biological processes, has been reported to induce neurological problems, at least in the case of lead-'


My twin brother entered my room with his typical grace, without knocking, interrupting my night readings. 

Neurobiological Disorders

My idea of a relaxation book. 

"Where's Lucky?" Lachlan asked, already starting to rummage through my drawers of medical books, fake human body parts, and surgical equipment. Since I loved wearing his giant clothes, half of his wardrobe was always in my room. Lucky was his football jersey, also known as my favourite pyjama by far, as well as the shirt to wear when taking any of my university exams.

 With a sly smile, I pointed to the chair in the corner, Plutos standing beside it. My pet. 

"Hi P!" Lachlan greeted, scratching its chin and then moving behind the hairy ears, receiving a purr of appreciation. Its size was far more massive than a typical pet's. 

Because, let's be honest, Plutos was not a typical pet... 

After my brother finally found his quarterback shirt, his eyes focused on the nice little portrait in front of him: Amaia, Tiziano, and I all laying on my bed, the three of us busy with our evening routines. 

"So, are you nerds coming to the game on Saturday?" 

Tiziano was engrossed by the beep of his mobile phone and "Varicose Veins"

Studying to become a successful cardiologist, he also boasted of an active social life. Just this week he had gone out with two different guys, attended a surgery that lasted fourteen hours straight, and went to classes the rest of the time.  

Amaia, on the other hand, had immersed herself in writing another manuscript, typing nonstop on that old-fashioned laptop, the type that overheated the surrounding environment and continuously made noise. 

I couldn't imagine surviving my third year of college without them. The three of us were inseparable. Sharing a huge passion like medicine somehow tied us to each other; living together contributed to our everlasting bond. 

"Of course I will!" Tiziano blew a fake kiss to Lachlan, who grinned in response. "I haven't missed a single game since the first time I met you!" That had been an awfully long time ago, long enough to compete with the old kind of "once upon a time." 

Tiziano was part of our pack, the chief surgeon's son, explaining his brazen passion for medicine.

 Unlike me, who was specializing in neurosurgery, Tiziano had always preferred the organ of love rather than the brain, arguing that the heart has a brain of its own, thus making it more interesting. The brain of the heart, like the brain itself, has an intricate network of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins, and supporting cells. It can act independently of the cranial brain and possesses extensive sensory capabilities. 

On top of that, Tiziano, hopeless romantic and great supporter of fairy tales, agreed with the Greek philosophers: the heart is linked to our strongest emotions, including love. Heart beat brain, according to him. Our never-ending dispute will continue until the end of time. Not a single day will pass without an argument to justify the supreme importance of our favorite organs. 

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