Chapter 3

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AN/ Double update if the chapter reach 100 votes ;)


The grandmother glanced incredulously at her granddaughter being carried away by the blackest, scariest thing she had ever seen. Her rifle lay on the ground after it fell from her hands. She could bet it was useless against that thing....


Since the invention of fairy tales, humans have fantasized about the society-induced dream of finding their own prince charming.

Fairy tales and romance novels have always led to unrealistic expectations in women when it came to finding a man to spend the rest of their lives with. Humans pined for a love story straight out of a film adaptation of a romance novel.

But who is this much acclaimed prince charming?

The man of every heterosexual woman's dreams, the chivalrous hero who will save the damsel in distress and take her away on a white horse. The two lovers will ride towards the horizon. She, in his arms. The sunset will make everything dramatically more romantic. The birds will chirp to their eternal love.

And what about me? Would you believe I have found my own fairy tale?

Well, first of all, I was not a damsel, let alone in distress.

Secondly, instead of the prince, I was found by the beast itself.

There were no romantic sunsets, only the cloudy, angry Scottish sky.

No sight of a white horse.... My "prince charming" probably ate it for breakfast.

And the birds chirping? All hiding, keeping quiet after hearing my hero roar like a mountain lion.

My fairy tale and prince charming were vastly different from the traditional ones.

But let me reveal a little secret. One that hides in the drawers of my aorta, there inside my heart.

I would choose the beast that slaughtered the white horse and scared the silly birds a thousand times over....

Plus, princes are totally overrated, with those chicken legs and no sparks...


Yvaine POV

Why was I sleeping outside?

I must have fallen asleep after playing with Dinori, Saurus, Volf, Malxom and Brun, our domestic wolves, back in the pack....

And when did it start raining?

As far as I remembered, it was sunny ... And what was that out of tune chant in my head?

I moaned faintly as my hands and feet spasmed a little.

The rain stopped.

My mind was slowly clawing its way out of the confused mists of the unconscious.

It was in that moment that I realized three things at once.

1) It was not rain. Something had licked my face.

2) The licks had electric charges.

3) The scent of Logan permeated the air.

Oh, icing on the cake, my wolf was the horrible singer inside my head. As restless and excited as the day I met my ...

'Mate mate mate!' She was chanting.

I opened my eyes wide and found myself face to face with a black, hairy muzzle.

Then it hit me.

A bullet of realization fired through my awareness.

A black creature that smelled like Logan had appeared out of nowhere, ripped Lachlan's hat off my head, torn it apart, and had called me 'mate'...

I pushed myself to a seating position, my heart racing, my mouth gaping. He towered over me and turned his big head to the side to look at me. One big red eye with some small silver streaks fixed on me.

While sitting, I ducked backwards like a shrimp, using my bum and hands to fidget away.

The creature tilted his head to the left, its black fur flailing in the dull sunlight.

Its eyes fixed on me. Unblinking.

"This is a nightmare. It cannot be true. I'm not here." I muttered to myself, blinking a couple of times. He must have heard me as he lowered his head down, looking at his claws on his lap. If I were not shocked, I would have noticed sadness across his mighty features.

But I was too busy staring at his black claws decorating those huge 'hands'. Freddie Krueger's razors gloves look like innocent teaspoons in comparison.

What was it? Surely not a werewolf.

My head was pounding, my feet cramping, and my throat was the Sarah desert.

'Mate mate mate!' My wolf kept howling happily.

'It's mate! Mate came!'

My breath hitched.

Confusion added to shock, with a hint of fear. My scientist side was obviously curious and joined the party.

"Y-you are Lucien." I finally said, with a slight stutter. Was he even able to speak? As soon as I started to talk, his ears twitched funnily. His head snapped back at me.

"Lucien" He nodded once, flashing me a sort of 'smile'.

Wereball Series - Along Came A MateWhere stories live. Discover now