Chapter 20

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AN/ I heard voting on a chapters increases you life expectancy ;)



Every single being at times makes decisions that are not the smartest. When that happens, I always tell myself that those decisions are never wrong. All leads to a lesson learned. Every heartache leads to strengthening. Every broken promise leads to new opportunities.

At the time, I didn't even realize that my actions had hurt more than one person, including Alex's ex-girlfriend, who was his rejected mate. 

I mentioned that I did not have extensive experience with the opposite sex, yet I was neither a prudish nor a virgin. I was an Alpha werewolf, with my own urges and needs, and I was crafted by nature to be sexually active and reproduce new life.

Spending the night with Alex was a completely spontaneous and unscheduled event. After the kiss, we went to his house for another drink. His apartment was empty since his friends were still out doing who knows what with who knows who, and that time nobody interrupted us.

I had not thought about the consequences, it just happened.

The following days were tremendously busy, with schoolwork and hospital volunteering. I had spent my time mainly with Teresa, taking care of the children, and luckily no one had had any serious complications. Nobody died, which was a victory.

And as for Alex, he had texted me a few times, but I hadn't found time to reply nor see him again.

It was a week like any other. But on my way to the library, in that foggy afternoon, I was in a mood that somehow resembled the weather. And I had no real reason for it.

It had nothing to do with the fact that I had received a certain text, that same morning, from a certain male....

As I walked among the mass of students with blurred faces, I checked my phone for the umpteenth time.

Zero messages.

Instead of replying to Alex's two unread texts, I reread the latest conversation with Rudolph.

After the date with Alex, I had texted Rudy but he hadn't answered. For three days straight... Until this morning.

And to say that what I had read took me by surprise was an understatement:

'Hey Ivy. Been busy the last few days. I found my mate.'

That explained why he hadn't called or texted anymore, I guess.

I should have been happy for him, for having found his other half, but then I could not justify that peg on my chest and my heavy heart.

With my gloomy thoughts, I met Amaia in the library to prepare for our 'Wereball Aid Program'. We had been asked to volunteer in some of the games of the season, mostly to treat injured players, and because of that, we had to attend the Yearly Wereball Conference happening soon.

Amaia had noticed my mood and hugged me for a while, without saying a word, and offered me her homemade organic tea. According to her, it was a super anti-cancer, consisting of boiled ginger, lemon juice, orange peel and honey.

Immersed in work, kicking out unwanted thoughts invading my brain, I frowned when someone crushed me from behind.

"Tizzy! What are you doing here?"

"I'm just checking that you kids are okay, of course," He semi-whispered, winking at the boy responsible for keeping silence in the library.

"So, have you done some dirty business in our sexy Tutor's personal office yet?"

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