Chapter 15

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Lucien was a bold creature, saying anything that crossed his predatorial mind and doing whatever his lycan's instincts ordered.

Did he feel the need to lick my face clean? Sure, because who needs a shower anymore?

Did he want to feed me like a mother bird to its chicks? Unstoppable, when he heard my stomach growl.

He thought I needed an extra blanket for the night? Why not slaughtering a whole family of deer to make me a bloody 'blanket' that if I did not use it, he would be offended.

Despite all this, Lucien was also in great need of affection. The fear of loneliness devoured him from within like a carnivorous microorganism that enjoyed eating frightened flesh.

I felt very protective of this colossal wolf. After all, fated decided he was mine.

When he fell to his knees, anguish and pain distorting his features, I did not hesitate for a second to rush to him with my heart filled with concern.

The pieces of my broken phone lay forgotten on the ground.

"Lucien," I clasped his muzzle in my hands, capturing his attention. He growled painfully shaking his head. His eyes went from red to silver in a frenetic manner.

"Hey, hey, look at me. I will help you amend your relationship with Logan." I caressed his face sweetly. "You are my mate too. I will support you as you have protected me."

He hid his face on the croak of my neck letting out a whine. Tears came relentlessly, falling into the world. I watched them hit the ground and disappear.

"I don't want to be locked away." His voice was altered, different. It did not belong to Lucien, but it did not belong to Logan either. His majestic body shook, a battle between two, forced to share.

Whatever Archie did, it was working.

"Never. I promise you. But you need to let Logan back." He sighed defeated and pushed me away. Not too strong but enough to make me step backwards. Away from him and the sparks.

"I love you, mate." Lucien mumbled, with the head tilted to the side. And just like that, his size began to shrink.

Black fur disappeared, replaced by smooth human skin. Ears changed, a tangle of dirty blond hair with some black streaks grew back.

A second later, Logan was lying there, on his front. As naked as mother moon made him.

I could not help the blush that tinged my cheeks as I darted and knelt beside him.

Covered in dirt, and some black fur, he shivered uncontrollably.

I tried to avoid staring at his muscular back or the terrific sight further south. For a moment I had forgotten how beautiful and sculpted he was. My mate made the David of Michelangelo look like an ugly duckling.

I hesitantly touched his face and brushed some blonde locks away from his face.

Longing flooded me. The last time I had seen him was almost two weeks ago... at the end of the wereball game when I yelled at him...

"Bunny Doc?" Logan grunted in a hoarse voice and blinked.

"Yes. I'm right here. Everything is fine."

So fine that my heartbeat was so loud I could not hear anything else...


Next update next Thursday (double update if chapter gets 90 votessss)!

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