Chapter 2

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AN/ What do you think of the above cover? I like the colours (and the dude hehe) 


Maybe I should put a reindeer on the cover?! LOL


Taking a break from our daily lives was never a bad idea. Not a day went by that we did not recharge our phone, or refill the fridge with food, or the car with petrol. How strange was we forgot to recharge our most precious possession: our brain, that kept the whole place going. Whether you despised a job, adored what you do, or are still searching for your path, you still worked. Because living is also a job.

In my specific case, however, it was my heart that needed an extended vacation and a break from reality. Thank Goddess, I had already completed my mid-term exams and the university was slightly more relaxed.

It had been exactly a week since my heart had taken a well-deserved vacation and since I had turned off the phone. Three days since Lachlan and my three uncles had made their way to cloud-wreathed Fair Isle, halfway between Shetland and Orkney, famous among humans for having only one phone box... plentiful for its population of about 60 inhabitants. All werewolves of course. All part of a very secluded pack that had only one connection with the outside world: Grandpa's pack.

That morning I strolled in a section of the wood in the north end of the pack. I loved that secret place. Patrols were few, considering the steep and impassable mountains that served as natural protection.

There was a mirrored-silver pond, disturbed only by the dappled trout flip-flop. A regiment of insects buzzed in the narrow womb of the lake. The wind sighed softly over the gnarled bushes and twisted trees that surrounded the water body.

I was listening to one of the lessons recorded on my ipod when Dinori, Saurus, Volf, Malxom and Brun eagerly begged for my attention. I sat on the ground, knowing full well that otherwise they would playfully throw me on it. In fact, they immediately tumbled over, wanting me to rub, pat and cuddle. I obeyed with a grin. They were real wolves born and raised in the Scottish wilderness, not werewolves. We could have considered them our pets.

With the difference that they had chosen to stay here. Sometimes they went away, reappeared after months or even years. But they knew they would always find a welcoming home when they returned.

We had a theory: the stronger a pack was, more the wild wolves would be attracted to its power and the Alpha's dominance. It was part of their innate instincts. Archie's pack had thousands of wild wolves; their number doubled since Archie had shifted into his wolf for the first time. Those wolves were too many, so much so that Archie's father, the current Alpha, had to transfer some of them. They frightened children and ate all the wild prey in the woods. Archie had told me his father had complained about the lack of deer big enough to be considered a proper meal, forcing him to venture to more distant lands to satisfy his hunger.

Thinking about Archie, I decided to call him today and let him know where I was. I considered calling him straight away, but the wolves would probably destroy my phone.

Engaged in playing, I heard it before I smelled it. The strangled roar came from behind the tall pines to my right, where there were lakes so vast, they looked like little trapped seas.

"Oh-my-dear-Goddess ..."

There was a black beast, nearly three meters tall. It looked like a wolf, at least on its 'face', but it walked on his hind legs. Furry hands with five fingers each was decorated by daggers-like claws. Defined muscles were partially covered with a long black fur, but a barrel like chest and an 8 pack had a shorter and more grayish fur.

A long tail with longer fur whipped the wind.

There was handsomeness underneath that scary façade that could inspire fear in the stoutest heart.

His red eyes had gone directly to me as soon as he appeared, and they remained on me as he advanced.

"W-what is that..." I gasped to myself, barely noticing the pet wolves around me crouching down and growling meanly at the intruder.

A second later the thing charged, running on two legs. The pounding resembled an avalanche of rocks.

My brain ordered me to run away but his sheer size blocked me. Along with his scent...

"He smells Rudolph" I mumbled to myself, "He does" I sniffed the air, blinking a few times when the wolves had scattered away. The power and domination emanating from him was unbearable.

For a really large beast he sure moved quickly.

A heartbeat later, the creature stopped right in front of me and fell into a crouch. It snapped its head behind me and growled.

Probably at the pet wolves, or some of the guards. I did not know. Nor care. I had other problems here. Like not becoming the snack of this creature.

"I-...I don't taste g-good," I squirmed, closing my eyes.

When nothing happened, I reopened them only to gasp.

He was staring at me as if transfixed at what he saw. There was such affection in his eyes as they fed on me. It was confusing.

When his massive muzzle came closer, I smacked it away. "Go find some deer!"

He growled fiercely, I yelped and shut my eyes. He did snarl, yet his 'hand' was extremely gentle as it patted my head. I was wearing a Lachlan hat, but the beast did not seem to like the item.

"Hey! You can't have it!" I said stupidly as he took it away and looked at the hat with spite, before sniffing it. A second later he tore it apart.

Then he dropped to his knees before me, his arms around my waist. I caught my breath; I could barely stand. The sparks shocked me. My heart skipped two dangerous beats at the tingles that his/its touch initiated. But it was only when I heard him speak in a deep voice, or rather, when I heard what he said, that I passed out.

"Hello mate."


The grandmother glanced incredulously at her granddaughter being carried away by the blackest, scariest thing she had ever seen. Her rifle lay on the ground after it fell from her hands. She could bet it was useless against that thing.

AN/ Wooo! He found herrrr! 🥳

Theories on how he did it!? muaha

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