Chapter 10

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AN/ Lachlan above ;) Picture is not mine! Copyright not intended! 

As I was busy with checking the progress of one of the children, Teresa passed by.


Strangely, her joyful eyes did not meet mine and remained fixed downwards, observing her hands while her delicate face was half covered by her long hair, now left loose.

"Do you want to come to my house for dinner today? Me and my roommates-" I stopped when I smelled stained blood.

Her blood.

Concern marred my face when I jumped up and walked over to her, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's nothing Ivy." Words that did not match that sad blue tone.

"The other night I fell down the stairs and since my hands were full-"

I gasped when I finally saw her eyes. "Those definitely don't seem to come from a sudden fall!"

She opened her mouth to say something and then, when no sound came out of it, closed it again. After one more second, the human girl nodded with acceptance. Anger and indignation possessed my body.

How dare a sane person touch Teresa, the most innocent being there was out there?

Before I could investigate the matter further, a smell of cinnamon and apples hit my nostrils and soon afterwards Mrs Tina appeared with a bag loaded with sweets and delicacies.

"Hello my darlings! How are my favorite girls today?" She radiated the widest smile of all, almost blinding us.

Still worried, I watched as Teresa murmured a polite greeting and rushed off. Her hair covered her figure like a curtain, hiding the shame and sadness.

Mental Note: Send Lachlan to beat up whoever hurt her. With a sigh, I concentrated on Mrs. Tina and the fact that I had to visit a couple of children that needed my medical help more than Teresa.

"Mmmh, do I smell sweet and love?" I questioned, kissing the sneaky old lady on the cheek. "You do my dear." She winked. "And this just so happens to be my nephew's favorite cake! I've baked about a dozen since he's coming to dinner tonight and I've made more for you and that dear boy Lachlan." Fishing in the various bags she held, all colored and decorated with cats or dogs, she took out 3 containers, wrapped in aluminium foil.

"Oh you didn't have to bother." I had already licked my lips, in anticipation. My fangs wanted to sink into those sweet masses and pulverize them. Sugar is my favorite deadly addiction ... in my defence, I'm half human and, like all humans, I fell victim to destructive addictions chock-full of chemicals.

"Enjoy the night with your Logy," I told her, helping with all the bags. She had baked many other cakes, probably for the kids and the nurses, although the lady gave me three full bags.

"I'd have more fun when you come to visit me! Who knows how much time I have left to live?" She exclaimed exaggeratedly making me roll my eyes. So dramatic.

"Mrs. Tina don't say that, you're still young and still running with your wolf so-"

"Shush you! I feel it in my bones." The lady lifted her hands to the sky, adding more drama to the scene.

"I can visit you-" "Oh don't be ridiculous, you're too busy for an old broom like me"

Again, with that nickname "old broom".

"I promise I'll have dinner with you! I can come next week maybe on Wednesday" I proposed with a smile while heading for my next patient.

"But Logy can't that day" she muttered under her breath but I heard her well thanks to my werewolf skills.

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