Chapter 22

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Surprise update!!! 

It deserve a vote, isn't it? ;)

PS: Yvaine above! Do you like her? 

She is simple, zero make up :D


We looked at each other as if we both couldn't believe what we were seeing.

Something deep inside me snapped. Everything seems clearer when I get lost in those grey abysses.

And then, I just knew it. I understood perfectly what people meant when they meet their mates. His gaze made my stomach twist, his eyes could calm a storm and start a fire at the same time.

He was the pure definition of masculinity.

Two silver orbs that I could stare at for hours. Ash blonde hair kept short on the sides and longer on top, falling in natural waves over his forehead, in that sensual way that made you want to stroke it forever.

His lips were manly but full, his nose was proportional. A blond eyebrow was cut in the middle, adding to the 'fallen angel's look' he had. God-given cheekbones and a sculpted jaw made it even harder to avert my eyes.

And he just stood there, staring at me with an intensity that could move objects.

I  would have needed to bend my head a good angle to look at him if he stood in front of me.

I was much shorter than him, probably reaching his chest, however, the height difference seemed perfect.

We continued to look at each other, without batting an eyelid, his lips slightly parted, until the group of people around him, mostly girls and a few boys, moved. This tore me out of the magical trance, and I lowered my gaze to get a better look at my mate.

He wore a thin green singlet that was doing little to hide all that hard skin and long, sporty black pants wrapped around his long legs. His rocky chest and broad shoulders were emphasized by his attire. The arms were insanely muscular with swollen veins in the right places, and were probably bigger than my thighs. He had biceps, triceps, and all possible "ceps", too developed for my mental health.

His eyes darkened noticeably at something... They were fixed on something on the lower part of my face. Where my teeth were torturing my lip.

I forgot all about it when one of the girls touched his forearm, telling him something I didn't catch.

I winced and pursed my lips, glaring at that manicured hand touching my mate, then met his silver eyes again.

Still stunned, he followed the direction of my eyes and only then seemed to notice the hand there. A second later, he swatted her hand away, not even looking at the girl, who had paled. Determination filled his eyes as he began to advance. People moved away as he stalked towards me. Eyes always fixed on mine.

My cheeks flushed and my heartbeat raced as I placed a hand on my chest. He must have noticed it as a small smile pulled at his lips and my heart flattered at that.

Oh my god...there it he going to kiss me? Touch me? Ask my name? 

By then, the butterflies were at war in my belly.

My mate was just a few feet away, people passing by unaware of two newly discovered souls. Some glanced at me with curiosity while others tried to call him but were pointedly ignored...

Just a few more meters and...

"Yo, Thor, my man!" A boy appeared out of nowhere and hugged my mate on the hips, blocking his march. Breaking the 'mate spell'.

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