Chapter 42

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In that early night, when a slice of moon emerged from the clouds and the wind rippled the forest, Liam was heading home. The werewolf was tossing a pair of keys in the air, very high, only to catch them without even looking. A natural grin decorated that handsome face as he whistled a tune he may have heard during his childhood.

If sex were food, the boy would have been morbidly obese.

But he was not just a pretty face and a God-like body. After all, he had not been renamed SkullSmasher for nothing.

Born with an overload of energy and the fine art of annoying even the grass itself, Liam enjoyed managing problems with his bare hands, saving the wolf counterpart only for emergencies. Also, because the fights would not have lasted long enough for his entertainment.

He had returned to his apartment as soon as he heard insistent rumors about two members of his pack, two who happened to be his twin and his best friend. Liam would have claimed that gossip to be terribly wrong and creatively ridiculous, but there were too many different people babbling about it.

At first, Liam had assumed that the people at the party were already at an advanced stage with their drugs and alcohol consumption; however, the pack's channels were clogged with the news of their Alpha's son finding his Luna and their future Gamma been rejected.

If that were not critical enough, his favourite boy was apparently mated with Comet Alpha's daughter and his brother had been rejected on the spot after finding his mate, also from Comet. Liam had missed the saddest show of the century.

Right after the game, he met two certain females, to take the pressure off him if you know what I mean, and then headed to a party at the campus, thinking his boys were already there. But there was no sight of the two bulky figures, and as much as Liam enjoyed spending time with the other lads, he preferred being with them.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he would find at home.

The spectacle that awaited him in the living room left him amazed and speechless. And Liam was never silent nor ran out of words.

There they were, C and Thor, lying, one on the floor, the other on the sofa, looking more dead than alive. Thor wore only a pair of boxers and had plenty of Mother Nature's waste, such as leaves and small twigs, attached to his body and hair.

"Jesus Christ..." Liam muttered, "What is all this?" He asked more to himself, his eyes widening so much at the sight in front of him.

No response, no sound.

C had cried like a child, his reddish eyes had ugly circles under it. Thor's face was partially hidden, one arm shielding his eyes, but a grimace of pain contorted his lips. He had probably let his beast out; Liam had noticed uprooted trees and a couple of smashed cars along the road. It had Lucien's signature all over.

"What happened, lil' bro?" Liam was a few seconds older and never ceased to remind Callum.

"Shut it, Liam. I'm not in the mood."

"I... ah, you see, there are some rumors doing the rounds," Liam scratched his neck, sitting cautiously on the sofa and avoiding Logan's massive figure on the floor. He could handle C, but Logan in those unstable conditions... oh, hell no. Liam really did not want to lose an arm or two.

"I heard you have been rejected, C. Tell me is a joke." C's mouth curled as he looked his way.

"People need to mind their damned business." He said tersely.

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