Chapter 26

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AN/ Here you go loves! 

Sometimes voting can give you chapters much earlier than usual, sometimes it doesn't! But, since you have been voting a lot anyway, here you go ;) 


Y: 'Because he is your Alpha'

R: 'My Alpha is over forty and already mated, you pervert!'

Y: 'Come on! I meant his son, that Thor'

R: 'Thor? I don't know any Thor.'

Y: 'Logan, the son of the current Alpha. Happy?'

R: 'No.'

I was sure he was teasing me.

Y: 'So!? Do you know him or not?'

R: 'Yeah I know the guy.'

Y: 'And?'

R: 'And what, bunny?'

Y: 'Come on, Lucien! Why are you like this? How's him!? Does he smile a lot? Is he polite with the elderly?'

R: 'Is that the important aspect you wanna know about the poor guy?'

Y: 'Being polite with old people say a lot of someone! So?'

R: 'Yeah, he looks like the type of guy that respect older people and I saw him smiling.'

I was wearing a stupid smile, just happy to know a little about my mate. I hid under the soft world of blankets and kept texting with excitement.

Y: 'Have you seen him at parties? Was he really with more girls at once? Is it true they followed him everywhere? Does he currently have a girlfriend?'

R: 'Why is this so important to know? The guy was single, give him a break Bunny! Plus, you will feel pain if he cheats.'

He had a point. I didn't feel any pain. Even the weird annoyance on my chest had stopped, since the date with Alex, weirdly.

Y: 'But what if I'm too short as you said? Really, the guy is really a giant!'

Y: 'Or what if he likes blonde with huge balconies like the girls I saw with him! Seriously, all of them were blond! All of them. Does he pick his fans for the hair colours and bra size?!'

R: 'I can't guarantee he would like you because I never saw a picture of you. Send me one, and I can tell better if you could be his type or not ;).'

R: 'And all the guys appreciate a good balcony, but I'm sure he thinks you are perfect. I thought that when I saw my mate for the first time. That she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. One glance at her, and I was basically lost.'

R: 'But to be sure you aren't an ugly weirdo, send me a picture.'

I tried to pose then decided to tease him and I made a stupid face. However, before sending it, I typed another text: 'Promise you won't send the picture to Logan, Lucien?'

R: 'I promise I won't send the picture to anyone'

Y: 'You have to promise on your mate'

R: 'I promise on my beautiful mate that I won't send your picture to anyone ;)'

With a small smile at how sweet he was regarding his mate, I sent it. He didn't reply for the next 30 minutes. I imagined my mate staring at my picture for that length of time and I sighed.

Wereball Series - Along Came A MateWhere stories live. Discover now