Chapter 23

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AN/ You will understand who is above by reading the chapter below ;) 

A little surprise here eheh!


I had to call Rudolph and tell him everything.

Logan was the son of the Dark Diamond's Alpha, so Lucien had to know him for sure, at least by sight. I thought I could ask him some questions about my mate and maybe get his phone number. Although that option somehow didn't sit well with my inner self... but then again, it would be harder for him to get my number than for me to get his. Plus, something in me whispered that Logan resented me, considering how he had stormed away. Especially considering the diameter and depth of the hole he had left in the wall.

However, when I tried to call the "Santa's reindeer", he gave no sign of life. I huffed in frustration.

Where was Rudolph when I needed him!?

When I attempted a second time, he finally answered so I let out a sigh of relief, only to die in my throat a second later... In fact, I heard an odd noise from the other line, and when I called his name, the line dropped.

Assuming his battery had run out or he was probably busy with his mate, I gave up on my plan and decided to talk to him later.

So instead, I called someone else.

Someone I could always trust, someone who would always be there for me, someone who had known me for a lifetime, someone who cared deeply about me but who I knew would still be impartial, unlike my twin, family and Tiziano, and basically all my pack.

He was not a biological brother like Lachlan or Ian, but the brother that life had gifted me.

He was the future Alpha of the most feared pack on the planet.

The one renowned for their were-beasts. Werewolves who were not just werewolves. Werewolves who were more like non-extinct prehistoric creatures.

They could walk in their wolf form on two feet, they could be shifted in their wolf form and still be humans. In a perfect, lethal balance.

He was Archie, the future Alpha of Black Devil.

AN/ eheh ;)


Future Alpha who was too busy for me and didn't answer at first, but unlike the 'Santa's reindeer', Archie called me back sometime later, when I was on my way to the library.

"Hello Chie!" I cheerfully exclaimed, turning on the video call and putting on the earphones.

Despite being one of my best friends since childhood, we haven't seen each other much lately, as he lived in Europe.

"Hey Vy!" His deep voice came from the other line, and a wide smile decorated his beautiful features.

I grinned at our childhood nicknames.

Amusement swirled in his violet eyes.

I had never seen a pair of eyes like that. It was as if someone had inserted two amethysts in his eye sockets. They were a pure and vivid purple.

Over the years, people had accused him of wearing fake contact lenses for how unnatural the eyes looked.

Despite those hypnotizing and little scary eyes, Archie was amazing. One of the best people I knew. And it made sense, considering his fantastic family and the wonderful childhood he had experienced.

"We haven't heard from each other for too long!" I teased him with a flash of sadness, and I was right.

We were both terribly busy and the time difference did not help.

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