Chapter 25

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AN/ Hello friends! 

What was the most excited thing that happened to you this week? 

Me: I moved into a new apartment!


'You have to focus, Yvaine and get this damn medical degree!'

I resumed my reading:

"On the other hand, short-term memory, also called working memory, occurs in the prefrontal cortex. It stores information for about one minute and its capacity is limited to about 7 items. For example, it enables you to dial a phone number someone just told you. It also intervenes during reading, to memorize the sentence you have just read, so that the next one makes sense..."

That particular reading was forgotten altogether once my phone screen lit up again.

R: 'Whoisthat' said the message, with no spaces or question marks. Maybe the teacher caught him with the phone or he was in a hurry.

Y: 'Haven't you seen Grey's Anatomy?! Mark is a surgeon there, in that series. Where have you lived so far!?'

R: 'So this guy doesn't even exist? And you have a crush on an imaginary person? It's stupid and annoying.'

If it hadn't been Rudolph, I would have assumed he was frustrated at not being able to hit Mark Solon, who didn't really exist. Two notifications of two more messages distracted me again.

R: 'And no. I don't watch any series, Nerdy-Head. So you still didn't tell me, why did you stop dating that dude? Have you met someone else you liked more?'

R: 'Alex was the dude's name, right?'

I was surprised he had remembered the real name. Tiziano had mentioned it once, briefly, in a phone call in which Rudy was on speakerphone. With roles reversed, I certainly wouldn't have remembered that detail at all.

Y: 'Yes, Alex. And I have already told you! Alex isn't my type. Simple.'

That seemed like a good time to switch to the 'hot topic' and start using dear Rudy to gather more information about my mate, without him realizing what I was doing. Tapping my finger on my chin I then typed on my phone with a tiny grin.

Y: 'And, according to Moon Goddess, my type is The gigantic, deadly hot, blond werewolf with fluffy hair.'

Then I typed another text, Y: 'Before you ask, yes. I found my mate too, and his hotness equalizes Mark's.'

When he didn't reply right away, I resumed my studying but before my short-term memory could absorb what I was reading, a new text appeared on my screen.

R: 'Gigantic!? Did you get the impression he was fat?'

I bet Logan had never experienced a bit of soft meat on his steel body before.

R: 'And by the way I checked, and that Michael Solon dude is old and honestly 100% gay.'

I chuckled to myself and began to answer.

Y: 'No, my mate is not fat. By gigantic I meant he's so tall that I think I will need a ladder! Also, the character is called MARK not Michael, and he's definitely not gay or old! Anyway, guess what ?!'

I tried again with the 'guess what?' joke, but for the umpteenth time Rudy ignored it.

R: 'Ladder for what?'

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