Chapter 12

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Playing the ignorance card, I pretended not to know what he was talking about. I also tried to ignore all the insects that were rousing in my belly.

"Oh Rudolph! It's you." I said as if I had forgotten his existence. 'What a Pinocchio.'

"I see that, as usual, you have forgotten about your manners. You are supposed to say 'hello' when you call someone!"

Rudolph ignored my sarcasm as well as my words. "Do you have something you want to tell me, Yvaine?" The danger laced in his voice was meant to intimidate. And I could not contain my smirk.

"Mmmh, yeah..." I paused before continuing, tapping a finger on my chin. "Recent studies have shown how a daily dose of Ashwagandha can help lower cortisol levels. Do you want me to send you a sample? You could really use some, considering how stressed you sound!"

His menacing growl suggested that the guy definitely needed a whole pound of the Indian medicinal herb. 

"Ashwa- what?? Do you mean Hashish?" Surprise replaced irritation, "Are you trying to sell me drugs now?"

I gasped at that. "What!? No, you idiot! Ashwagandha is a rejuvenating herb that helps the body cope with physical and emotional stress-" I was rudely interrupted. "I don't need to cope with any stress! YOU are stressing me out. YOU! And all that medical bullshit you've been babbling about."

Another snarl from his side and another smirk from my side followed.

"You can put the costol in your-" "Cortisol!" I corrected with a sly smile. Since we were on the subject, I decided I might as well spread some knowledge with the gorilla on the other line.

"Cortisol is a stress hormone. Its levels can shoot up when a person is under stress. This causes other hormones and neurotransmitters to become unbalanced, leading to symptoms like anger, depression and poor sleep. Regular intake of Ashwagandha can make an individual feel less stressed and mentally calm...." I paused when no any animal sound or sarcastic comments followed. "Are you still there?"

My question broke the trance he had fallen into. I had noticed how, whenever I talked for too long, Rudolph often remained silent. Oddities.

'Maybe he was just about to fall asleep,' I thought, rolling my eyes.

"Don't make me forget why I have called you," And there he was again, ranting. "Have you lost your mind!?"

His control was waning.

"Um, no, I haven't, but it looks like you've lost yours. Maybe you have forgot it under the bed of one of your Booty calls."

Another snarl came from the other line.

Interesting. Someone doesn't like to be disrespected.  

"Oh yeah, you are right!" I said with mockery, "It's indeed awfully hard to find your head again, with so many beds to check! Now I understand why you are so stressed-" He cut me off again.

"I'm not stressed!" His frustration levels were amazing and a great entertainment. I bit my lips to trap yet another giggle. "And I don't need help, or any of your stupid Indian grass!"

"If you say so. No need to be so grumpy though." Before his tongue could produce any more rudeness, I continued. "But enlighten me. Has something happened to you, Rudy? You seem a little upset today! And the sun is shining!" My voice cooed, pursing my lips to contain my laughter.

"Oh! Nothing happened, other than being bombarded with thousands of messages from different Doms asking for the diameter of my ring and which leash I'm used to!" He hissed, louder, more irritated than ever.

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