Chapter 19

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AN/ I'm so sorry about my late with this update my loves!! I'm slowly editing this book and Mate Mine too, and I'm trying to post edited chapters here on Wattpad! 


I had an odd thought about destiny.

Odd, simply because I had never wasted an ounce of mental energy on the concept of Destiny. I had never believed it. I called myself a rational person, where Science was my religion, and Wisdom my god. The only mystical power that made everything happen was me.

I was the sole architect of my success and how my life was going.

Before meeting my mate, I firmly thought I wasn't a marionette in the hands of fate and Moon Goddess, but I was the owner of the strings of my puppet.

But - because there is always a but - as a werewolf, considered by humans a fantastic creature belonging to myths and legends, with a mate created to mould into my own soul, a part of me had always believed that the world was sprinkled with a little magical dust.

Before meeting my soul mate, I hadn't given any weight to certain encounters with people, or random events that took shape around me, in silence.

After what would have happened to me in this year full of events, new encounters, shed tears, broken hearts and butterflies, the year I met my mate, I never took anything for granted again and began to respect 'destiny' and 'fate', and acknowledged them.

That little thread that pulled my soul and brought me closer to my mate, studded with encounters and episodes, was all about destiny.

The difference between now and then was that I didn't know it....


Last night's events came to my mind as I was heading to the kids' hospital that cold morning.

And not because of the date...

Speaking of which, my meeting with Alex was... filled with interruptions.

That was the perfect way to describe the experience. At least at the beginning.

He had picked me up from home, like a gentleman, punctual and respectful, waiting for me right outside the door. The boy had ignored Makena's whistles from the window and Amaia's embarrassing reminders to ask if he had ever had STDs.

The icing on the cake was Tiziano, with his damn bullhorn that he used in the wereball games, that had shouted various (unwanted) advice that he considered important, including using a specific brand of condoms customised for werewolves, or for the 'were-swimmers' as he called them.

As if we didn't have werewolf ears and couldn't already hear it perfectly without that terrible device that would have come to a horrid end when I would return home.

At first, we had gone to that book café Alex had bragged about only to leave 20 seconds later, as Alex's ex-girlfriend worked there and neither of us wanted to be poisoned. So, we ended up in a popular werewolf bar, frequented by different packs. A large group of Dark Diamond was there that evening to celebrate a winning and  Alex, as a defender of the Comet pack, risked his life by simply breathing in the same crowded space as them, without his group of Comet to back him up.

We still agreed to stay for a bit, and I had insisted on getting the first round of drinks. Not because I wanted to show equality between males and females, where even girls can invite the guy on a first date, but because I wanted to check and smell the drinks myself.

When I managed to pass through several bodies, with two glasses filled with coloured sugar and ethanol, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a crowd of Dark Diamond on the second floor. I didn't pay much attention, and, above all, I didn't want to be known as the Highlander's twin. I hated fights, especially hurting people unnecessarily knowing that they would most likely need a fellow doctor who probably had more important things to do than fix injuries caused by alpha blood like mine.

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