Chapter 6

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When my consciousness left the mysterious dreamland and sailed towards reality, I began to feel the sparks. I was greeted by an affectionate gaze made of hell red eyes that should have scared me, but, instead, made me feel safe and loved.

Last night Lucien had taken me in his arms and stuck me under his muzzle as he rested it on top of my head. Somehow, we fitted perfectly.

My face rested on the soft pillow on the hollow of his neck. The scent of him and the fluffiness had lulled me into the best sleep of my life. Finally, I could say that I had experienced sleeping nestled on my mate... even if not in his human form...unimportant details.

Lucien growled in approval as I sniffed his neck.

"Lucien so lucky." He tightened his grip.

I rubbed my sleepy face and looked up at him who was already watching me with adoration.

"Good morning, Lucy!"

A puff of air escaped from his nostrils, dispersing in the morning air. It looked like the steam of a train.

"Lucien." He corrected, with a frown.

"I prefer Lucy." I playfully tapped his nose.

"But Lucy is a feminine name."

I chuckled. "Ok ... Lucy"

He growled in disapproval as I extricated myself from his sparkling embrace and stood up.

I stretched my arms over my head and wiggled my toes before walking away.

His red eyes followed my every move with interest. Like the predatory companion he was.

A gray blanket enveloped sunless Scotland in that pearly dawn. I was happy with my genes that let me put up with the angry climate.

As I approached the lake equipped with a smile and a light heart, I took a deep breath, flooding my lungs with that pure air. The lake was rippled by small waves and for a moment I imagined millennial sea monsters chasing each other beneath the surface.

Before the water could kiss my bare feet, Lucien appeared out of nowhere, and cradled me in his arms.


He peered at me for a moment, then crouched down. He was between the water and me, as if it were an enemy. Then he leaned forward and dipped a clawed finger into the water.

Lucien did not seem happy with the verdict.

"Cold water. Too much for mate."

The gesture bombarded me with warmth that could save on heating for an entire winter.

"Thanks for the thought." I hugged him around the waist. "But I can do it. I usually have cold showers anyway. It's good for our blood circulation, you know?"

When I realized he had ignored my comments, I looked up at him with curiosity.

"Mate cannot take a bath. Too cold and lake's dangerous." He shoved me slightly away from the shore.

"But I need to wash! The last time I did it was yesterday morning!"


And it seemed like the end of the conversation.

"Too cold. Too dangerous."

Maybe it was because of his stiff posture. Or maybe his arms crossed over his chest and that stubborn look....

I burst out laughing.

"Aww Lucien, you are adorable."

Lucien frowned even more as I examined him with a broad smile. "Lucien not adorable."

This made my smile widen even more.

"Yes, you are," I teased him, pinching his "cheeks". Or the short-haired skin on his face.

There was nothing soft about Lucien's body.

"I swam in lakes since I was a child. I am used to it... and you won't believe in the Loch Ness monster, will you? Trust me, there is nothing aggressive that lives in this lake."

He bared his fangs, looking at me despondently.

"You can get us some rabbits for breakfast while I take a swim! "

"Lucien doesn't like those rats. Too many bones. Little meat."

After a pause, he added another complaint about the lake.

"Please Lucien.... For me?"

He eyed me with narrowed eyes for a moment and huffed cutely before nodding.

Alpha or omega, lycan or werewolf, no matter what, no mate in the entire world could resist the simple yet formidable 'Please! For me?' uttered with pleading huge eyes and fluttering lashes.

It was written in our genes.

AN/ aaaah, aren't they cute?!

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