Chapter 41

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"Hello Bunny Doc"

This strange sense of calmness overwhelmed me upon hearing that voice. As had always happened since I first spoke to him.

Rudolph came to see me, to meet me for the very first time. Lucien, that was his real name.

It must be the presence I had sensed behind me.

However, when I turned around, ready to greet my phone friend, ready to smile at him for the very first time, I saw only werewolves fighting or chatting, scattered everywhere, in groups or in two or three. Some were staring at us, but I barely noticed or cared.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted my father in an intense, almost violent conversation with the same big man who had cheered Logan.

I frowned.

My eyes went back to my mate. He was there, his lips slightly swollen from my kiss; my mark of possession, my territory.

God, his lashes were so thick. Dark blond and thick. And his skin was as soft as the rippling muscles and rocks could be. His lips were just perfect, made for my kisses. The lower one was fatter, perfect for gnawing.

The weird thing was that he had a look I couldn't quite decipher. He was studying me intently as if he expected me to turn into a witch and fly away on an imaginary broom. I followed his slowly rising hand, the bulge of the muscle flexing and how his hand scratched his neck.

When he opened his mouth, silence came out. Then he closed it again and took a deep breath. And once again I got lost, noticing every detail. I wished I had a tape measure to measure the circumference of his pectorals and how much his sculpted chest expanded when he breathed.

There was something my mind was whispering to me, but in my daze I couldn't hear it. It was the fault of the sparks and the dominant presence of the creature in front of me.

But where was Rudolph?!

"Lucien?" I called using his real name, looking behind my mate. Again, there was no answer. There was no one.

My eyes fell on my mate when I heard that voice. The voice.

"Lucien is the name of my wolf."

When the sparks exploded in my hands, I looked at them raising my eyebrows. I could see that his big rough but gentle hands had grabbed mine and he had crouched down to be at my same level.

Rudolph was there again. Inside Logan's mouth. Logan ate Rudolph!

I foolishly grabbed his cheeks and pulled them, flexing them. He had to be wearing a mask. But he wasn't.

It was not possible to recreate the sparks even if one had an electric shock or a wire.

Because magic couldn't be recreated. Never.

"I don't understand." My voice was calm. I was perplexed. It must have been a joke old Rudolph made.

Feeling a wave of irritation, I called him again. "Come out now, Rudolph, it's not funny anymore!" then I giggled even though it sounded more like a dead duck than a genuine laugh.

"Yvaine," the chills ran down my spine, "Listen, we need to talk. I-"

Anger flooded me and I brushed his hands away as if he had vipers instead of fingers.

"No, I have to find Rudolph. He is hiding somewhere."

Before I could do anything else, I began to cry and tremble. Then I stopped and started laughing like crazy.

Wereball Series - Along Came A MateWhere stories live. Discover now