Chapter 8

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AN1/ Double update when chapter reaches 94 votes ;) we can do it!!!

AN2/ The name of Yvaine's wolf is Zelda. If I used another name in the past, let me know!

After breakfast I decided to let my wolf out. It was time for Lucien and Zelda to get acquainted with one another.

My brain needed a break: she had not stopped yelping since Lucien appeared.

"You can't mark her, ok?" I had repeated thousands of times. Lucien waved me away, snorting loudly.

"No marking, no mating, no sniffing in inappropriate place. Got it." His bold words only made me giggle.

Lucien carried me down the slope and, once I reached a convenient spot, I stripped off my clothes, after a couple of "Turn around" and "Don't peek, Lucy."

After shifting, I hardly had time to breathe that my over-excited wolf yipped and ran to her mate. Beyond eager to spend time with the lycan.

Lucien was sitting on a rock with his elbows on his knees, looking innocent and peaceful. Perking his ears and tilting his head to the side, he looked at Zelda.

And immediately, his eyes filled with so much adoration that my heart skipped a beat. Or two.

My wolf had taken full control and for a moment I feared that she would 'force' him to mark her, mate her and immediately start a family with a bunch of twins, or triplets.

I laughed inside myself as Lucien watched Zelda in wonder with his mouth parted and his eyes glowing.

"My mate," he said ecstatically, licking his muzzle.

And I felt equally irritated and embarrassed by my wolf yelping and running in circles around a stunned Lucien. She looked possessed. Or addicted to his dominant and masculine presence.

It was hard to say...

Lucien and Zelda played and chased each other all morning, forgetting about everything else. Lucien was also on all fours, for the first time.

No rogue or a wild animal was met. Or they had simply avoided us... The latter seemed more likely.

My wolf continued to harass Lucien the whole time. Sometimes she nibbled his hind legs or bit his tail and pulled a little too harshly. Other times she hopped onto his back and tackled him to the ground. Meanwhile Lucien let her do anything as long as she remained under his radar. I was mesmerised by his patience.

When we reached a pond in the foliage, I sighed happily. It seemed like a place where time did not exist. A place where gnomes and little creatures would hide to escape progress.

We stopped for a well-earned drink.

Suddenly, my wolf attacked and shoved a relaxed Lucien into the water. A second later she bolted away like a fireball. I tried to stop and scold her, but she seemed deaf.

Lucien was caught off guard and lost his balance, falling into the pond with a loud splash and a snarl of surprise that gave me goose bumps.

'If he marks me now, I deserved it!' I virtually face palmed myself.

The futile attempt to outrun him was, well, futile.

A very wet Lucien began to follow scent and footsteps immediately.

It did not take long.

One second, Zelda was crouched behind a fallen log and covered with mud and other substances I did not want to dwell on too much.

A second later, she was snatched away and captured.

Lucien panted with joy at the sight of the cute mate whimpering in his embrace. Satisfaction and pride to catch her filled him up.

With a content smile, he licked her muzzle tenderly as Zelda pushed her head against his with a little yelp, not happy with being caught.

As soon as he placed her down, she began to wiggle her tail like crazy and prance around Lucien, all over again.

After some more playing around, Zelda yawned and placed her head on the ground between her paws, looking up at him.

"My little mate is tired?" He asked softly, in that hoarse voice.

My wolf nodded with huge eyes and whined.

'Drama queen' I chastised her, fully aware that Zelda wasn't tired even one bit. She just wanted more attention from her mate.

Lucien grinned wolfishly. Then he crouched down and collected us carefully before pressing us to his chest, sniffing us.

'Ok, time to shift, Zelda'

After phasing back, Lucien told me I looked even more beautiful and seemed pleased when 'human me' hugged him tightly. Then he lifted me up and carried us away, to the place that he had made our nest.

Lucien told me I was just a warm, light package in his arms and he did not mind running with me.


The nature expanded around us, full of sounds and green.

I enjoyed the peace. It was like I was seeing all this for the very first time, after someone had removed a blindfold made of work, commitments, studies, and city life.

When we had returned to their little place near the lake, Lucien wasted no time and curled up around me.

He seemed happy there, with me, his dead animals ready for dinner, and the faint light that kissed our skin. After meeting Zelda, Lucien seemed even more protective of me.

My heart entirely belonged to Lucien and Logan alike. Lucien and Logan, with that innate intelligence and daring mouth, but their need for physical contact, albeit as delicate as the wings of a butterfly, made my heart sink with affection.

"Does mate like to study?" He asked at some point, nudging his nose against my cheek.

I nodded with a smile, scratching behind his ear. I told him several stories about my career, my desires, and my fears.

"Logan hates studying. He never studies. But Logan, he loves to see you study. Logan proud of you. Lucien is also very proud." I felt my heart tighten.

"Is mate still angry with Logan?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I'm not sure." Hesitation invaded my voice.

"He lied to me for too long. And he pretended to be someone else. It hurt me."

This was a good opportunity to investigate their relation.

"But Logan is afraid. That's why he lied to mate."

"But why? Scared of what?"

Before he could reply, Lucien stiffened.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked gently. He stood up abruptly and sniffed the air, letting out a menacing growl.

I had assumed Lucien would bring me home before the evening but since then, too engrossed into our bubble of sparks and discoveries, I forgot about reality.

And it slipped my mind who my family really was....

It should not have come as a surprise when a large group of familiar looking werewolves appeared at the edge of the clearing. They looked like a small army born from a fantasy novel and ready to conquer the forest and feast on their inhabitants.

'Oh no ...'

I swallowed, my eyes focusing on angry grandpa, snarling uncles in their wolf forms and my fuming twin.

"Oh hello there, Rionnag." Human grans said casually whilst cocking her shotgun...its familiar noise an impending doom echoing throughout the clearing...

AN/ Ouch, Yvaine's family arrived! 

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