Chapter 4

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I gulped, my eyes bulging at his fangs. A butcher would envy them.

When he moved towards me, oh so very slowly, I was glued to the grass.

Even if I wanted to create distance between us, I could not. Huge boulders were piled up behind me and the beast in front was staring at me with those scorching eyes. His head always cocked to the side.

"Mate... so perfect." He sighed making me blush, his eyes full of adoration searching my face.

"So beautiful."

Somehow, up this close, he looked more massive. Way bigger than I thought. I was nocked breathless.

"Much more beautiful in person."

Then, staring at me with those red meteors, he moved his hand towards my face, with those terrible claws that could slice necks, bones, and small cars.

I let out a small cry and stumbled away. The look of pain that crossed his face hurt my heart more deeply than those claws ever could.

"Mate hate Lucien." His voice dropped, just like his head, and he turned away.

"No, wait." I reached out for one hand and he stopped walking.

Sparks. Amazing, magical sparks.

I blinked before mumbling a "I don't hate you."

He looked down at my hand around one of his clawed fingers, and then at me. I let go taking a step backwards.

"Mate is scared of Lucien."

"I'm sorry."

I looked up at him and gasped. A lone tear trailed down his muzzle, hurt evidently displayed.

"No. I'm not scared."

This mighty, terribly beautiful creature was upset because of me. A part of me could not tolerate it.

"I'm just shocked to meet you..." He pouted and averted his sad eyes.

You can do better! I clenched my fists.

"Mate thinks Lucien's ugly?"


"Lucien, you are..." My voice trailed off as I searched for words that evaded me.

I would never associate 'ugly' to someone like him. Mighty, colossal, fearsome. But ugly or hideous?


"...very handsome and immensely powerful."

He perked up and looked at me shily, "Mate promise?"

"Yes, of course. I was just...I never expected you to be...well, you. I never seen anyone like you."

As hard as it was to believe, Logan was somewhere in there.

Although the sparks and the scent were the only common traits, he was Logan. Or an extension of Logan, the guy I loved. Though I was still irritated with him.

This creature may have stepped out of an unknown land, but he was still my mate. I gathered courage. 'Come on, Yvaine. Don't be a pussy.'

With renovated vigour, I pushed on my tiptoes pressing on his shoulders, so I was at eye level with him. Lucien stared at me with wide eyes. I heard him take in a quick breath as the beating of his heart quickened.

A small smile formed on my lips before I leaned forward and kissed him on his 'cheek'.

As if someone like him could have cheeks....

A second later, the left side of my face was pressed against a hard pectoral. Heavy arms engulfed me as I felt him sniffing my hair. He was so warm that the Scottish weather seemed the tropics.

His scent was sending my nose into overdrive. I wondered what he thought of my scent.

"Another kiss?" His hopeful tone made me smile.

For the second time, I pecked the side of his muzzle. Lucien smiled brightly: "One more, more?"

I chuckled shaking my head at how he used the words.

"Last one."


I repeated the operation, with Lucien watching me with rapt eyes. His arms always around me protectively. It was an experience completely electrifying, literally and figuratively.

"Last one, is now?"

"You said it was the last one before!" I shook my head, "Did you cheat? "I poked at his sides playfully.

"Yes. I'm sorry." He looked down embarrassed.

When his eyes darted into mine, my breath hitched. It will take time to get used to those.

"Now Lucien can mark the mate?"

I gasped, touching my neck. "What? No!"

He would probably cause me a haemorrhage... if he did not rip the carotid artery first.

"But Lucien must mark mate." He said with a hint of a growl and his eyes darkening dangerously. He had been nothing but sweet but I could pick his Alpha commanding tone.

"No." I shook my head again, for the millionth time in the past five minutes. "No, you cannot. Please." I tried to extricate myself from his arms, but they did not budge.

"Why does mate say no all the time?" He snorted letting me go and turning around.

"No here, no there. No, no and no!" He paused with a huff, "Always no, to Lucien."

He was right. Saying 'no' should not be a simple matter.

As Pitagora said, the most ancient and shortest words, yes and no, are the ones that would require the most thought and reflection before using them.

"And human never allowed Lucien to see mate. Human forced Lucien away. Human said I cannot mark you. He said he cannot mate you." Lucien looked at me with disapproval, "But why not?"

I assumed that by "human" he meant Logan. I wanted to ask him if human could hear us, see us. Was Rudolph looking at me through Lucien's eyes while I stammered and blushed in front of this majestic beast? Was he laughing at me from somewhere, enjoying the show?

"I ... well, we should get to know each other better. Spend time together. Talk." By then, I was probably vermilion.

"Know each other?" He tilted his head to the side, as if he did not comprehend the meaning behind. "But you are my mate. No talk."

I sighed. If things with Logan were not complicated and his fangs were thinner, maybe I could have let him mark me.

"True...but things with Logan were left...unresolved."

"But Lucien and Logan love mate deeply."

Snatching my hand from my side, he placed it on his hard chest.

"Our heart belongs to mate."

He spoke softly in that silent afternoon. running his fingers down my cheek as he looked into my eyes sincerely.

"Only to mate."

AN/ Ahhhh, how romantic is he eheh! 

Do you prefer Lucien or Fluffing?!

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