Chapter 33a & 33b

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AN/ This is two chapters in one because I love you ;)



It was the only word my tongue decided to formulate, remembering our little fight last night, right before I went to the party.

And how he had encouraged me not to go...and how I had refused to listen.

"Bunny Doc? Are you okay?" The deep voice was not as cheerful as usual, it was a little hoarse as if he had just woken up. Or perhaps he was just wary.

"Yes, Lucien" I called him by name to draw a line. He did not speak for a few heartbeats. A small sigh came from the other line and I shivered at the way the wind caressed my skin.

"I, uhm, rang you before, but you never answered. Are you sure you're okay?" He investigated further, but his words half accessed my brain as I was considering whether I should tell him about my mate and our encounter. The fact that I only had Archie, Amaia and now Makena to confine did not help: Amaia was almost always unavailable for simple matters, Archie lived on the other side of the world and was often on some excursion in the mountains where internet connection was a luxury, and Makena ...well, discussing about my love life with her when she didn't utter a single word about hers did not seem right.

"More or less." I admitted touching my lips. Could the sparks be stored, somehow? Because it seemed to me that my lips were still tingling. Maybe Logan had secretly installed an electric wire under the thin skin of my lips.

"Listen, I need to talk to you about something." He continued in a firmer voice, even though my brain was too crowded to be able to focus on Rudolph.

Between my chat with Alex, meeting my mate last night, my upcoming exam, and the bloody game, my mind felt like a whirlwind.

Nothing could compare to Ian though. Nothing was more important than my family, not even my mate. A soulmate could be the other half of my soul, but my family was my foundation, my stability. Without a proper foundation, a house could not stand, but you could have lived a perfect life in it even without half the house.

We ended up saying something at the same time:

"But not on the phone"

"I hate this"

He breathed audibly.


"It does not matter." I sighed, checking that Pluto was still nearby and had not been attacked by some domestic dog like last time.

"I'm just stressed out over this huge brain-cutting exam coming up and a few more thorns in my side." I rubbed my head and for a moment my gaze moved upward. I looked at the stars decorating the darkness.

Were they laughing at our mere worries from the eternity of their heavenly homes? I would have.

"Oh okay. What is it? Maybe I can help." At the sound of his playful voice a small smile was born . Maybe if Logan and I didn't work out, I could always hang out with Rudolph and his mate.

"Yes, sure you could... If you were willing to listen for hours about body parts, muscles names and functions, and-" I wanted to be sarcastic, but my phone-buddy did not seem to catch on.

"Sure! If you tell me the title of the book, I'm happy to."

My eyes widened. Not even my brother had ever offered to help me repeat the millions of names and terminology for an exam. "Come on don't joke, it would be super boring for you."

"And give up the chance to learn about body parts from none other than Professor Bunny Doc? Never."

Was he flirting with me? His voice had dropped dangerously and amusement dripped from it.

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