Chapter 18

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AN/ Hello loves!

How old are you? :)


"Someone" POV ;)

The moonlight that filtered through the curtains bothered me less than the breaths coming from beside me.

I vaguely remembered the training, the friendly wereball match, the bar, the club, and then... "Hello, Thor."

A female voice purred in the darkness of my bedroom.

Shit, when did she come inside? 

And most importantly, who was she?

I lived just off the Dark Diamond's campus and I usually never took a girl home; in my room and sacred space.

When I forced one of my heavy lids to lift, I found a pair of brown eyes watching me.

What a creep.

My eyes dropped, taking notice of the fit body with huge melons staring at me.

"Why are you here? I thought you knew I like sleeping alone, baby"

She pouted before beaming up at me when I addressed her 'baby'. I stifled a laugh, then winced slightly when I moved.

As usual after a game, I was covered in tiny bruises that healed terribly slow due to the gel we use. It was not from the game though, but from the fights right after. I got off easy, with a few scratches. The others, however, didn't.

"I...after we did, um, that... I, um, decided to come over?" 

Was it a question? Did she follow me here?

I resisted the urge to slap a palm on my face.

She-wolves inside the pack loved getting my attention, often tried to get to wear my jersey during a wereball game.  A few mental cases had even rejected their mates because I had talked to them in a friendly way.

Some had the absurd belief I would mark a lucky one. 'Lucky' I scoffed to myself, 'oh, if they knew...'

(Un)fortunately for them, I had no intention of doing any of that, with any of them.

When the melons kept staring at me from the red lace bra that left little to the imagination, I decided that, maybe after all, it wasn't so bad that the girl stayed/ followed me here.

I crossed my arms behind my head, ignoring my soreness and her blushes. She was kneeling there, staring up at me with wide eyes and fingering the red fabric in her hands.

 "Are you just going to sit there, sweetheart?" 

She pouted, light brows pulling together.

How many times is she going to pout? 

I was about to tell her to head out, when she bent closer and began to work on my length.

Now we are talking.

I leaned back and let out a sigh.

A second later, she slipped off my boxers with shaking hands and started to get to work. With both her mouth and hands. Not entirely how I liked it, but it would have to do.

Who was I to refuse a free blow? So, I rested my nape on my crossed hands over the pillow, closed my eyes and enjoyed myself.

As my climax approached, I hissed and grasped her head, moving it up and down frenetically, ignoring her gags, until I came in her throat with a grunt.

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