Chapter 9

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AN/ Here's a legend to help you read the following chapter ~ from Scots Gaelic to English. Note that I used google translate for them!

Bhiast means beast

Gealaich means moon. It is often referred as Moon Goddess

Nighean òg means baby girl

Rionnag means star

Seanair means grandfather

And don't forget that the name 'Yvaine' means evening star! That's why they call her Rionnag.

#Yvaine's family:

Riona is the granny, Ian is the grandad, Clyde, Angus and Knox are the other uncles that live in Scotland. Ian is also the name of Yvaine's sick little brother. Please note that each of them has a wolf that has its own name! ;) Like Logan and Lucien!

Isabelle (Yvaine's mother) and Andrew are the twins that live in the USA.

So, Clyde, Angus, Knox, Isabelle & Andrew are the breathing sons and daughter of Riona and Ian.

Richard is Yvaine's father, Alpha of Comet.

If I have used different names in the past, please let me know! I may have forgot or my unconscious mind decided to change them :D Once I edit the book, I will fix all these minor things anyway (like Gaius & Caius)!


I was not sure if I should laugh, cry, or roll my eyes.

So, I stayed there, doing absolutely nothing. I just inhaled oxygen, vital for my normal body functions. A silly part of my brain whispered to take a picture of the dark humor-scene in front of me. That maybe, there will be a time to laugh about it in the future.

Lachlan and Clyde switched to their human forms as soon as they spotted me. There were also my grandparents with my other uncles. Ready to scuffle.

Ready to avenge the taking of their granddaughter, sister, and niece.


"Lachy!" I smiled, locking eyes with my twin, "How did you find us?"

Whenever I did not see him for a while, a piece of my heart packed up, and left. With him.

Werewolf twins were often connected in mysterious tortuous ways.

If mates had a string that connected their hearts, shortening slowly, bringing them closer and closer, thanks to the expert hands of destiny, twins were born sharing one heart that was divided into two equal halves, distributed among the twins.

"Oh, that's easy." He narrowed his eyes on Lucien.



"We just followed the corpses of sheep and the shouts of angry shepherds."

Like the story of Ansel and Gretel, who left breadcrumbs along the way.

Instead of crumbs, Lucien had left trails of bones and flesh.

"Aye, they demanded the head of the beast that had feasted on their cattle." Grandfather added stoically.

Lucien growled cradling my body on his. I coughed a little as his fur entered my mouth, drawing his attention for a moment. He glanced at me funnily and tilted his head to the side with a questioning look.

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