Chapter 29

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AN/ Here you go loves!! Thanks for voting and commenting - you are the best!

I dedicate this chapter to CassKnight for all her awesome comments on the previous chapter :*


I swirled around and found myself facing an unknown werewolf.

He was standing there, with a smug look on that intoxicated face. The stench of whatever he drank—or ate, as a hint of garlic on his breath made me grimace. I avoided breathing so as not to contaminate my poor lungs.

His brown hair was oily and stuck to his forehead, like after the rain - in this case a rain of sweat - and some hair products that some people used to use to increase their creepiness.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked my breasts, as her gaze was fixed to the south of my chin.

"No, thanks."

I turned to go back to where I had left my friends, but Garlic Man missed the hint. "Oh, come on now. I can offer you a fruity pink drink! One of those that you chicks like!" The words were drawn and thick - he must have consumed a lot to be in that state, considering that wolf genes could handle large amounts of alcohol.

"I recommend a bit of mouthwash before you approach a girl...or a guy. Anyone, really." I snapped, before smacking his hand away.

He seemed startled at my comment, as if he did not expect me to reject his 'smelly charms', and a frown slowly appeared on his intoxicated features.

"This kind of attitude won't do you any good, kitty."

Kitty? If the garlic had not already got my gastric juices out of my mouth, surely this nickname would.

Just then I noticed how sturdy and broad he was. A 'wereball player' type of build, and a player in real life too.

My deadly comeback was forming on my tongue... but the sudden change of demaur confused me and made me waste a well-prepared and ready-to-shoot insult.

Garlic Man paled and swallowed, staring at something behind me. Before I could process what had happened, or glance over my shoulder, or sniff the air, the world went dark.

I could not see anything anymore.

I should have known that the two callused pieces of hard flesh on my eyes were two hands. But I was too distracted. Or stunned. My brain, for the second time, became a useless gray mass of frenzied cells.

Sparks pulsed all over my face as a pair of big hands were covering my eyes. So big that one alone was the size of a pan. My breath hitched when a little voice, or perhaps my wolf, suggested who might be the owner of those two pans.

My lips parted and a tiny gasp left my mouth, before I grabbed what I assumed was one of his forearms. He gave off enough heat to keep me warm for an entire winter.

As I whirled around, my jaw dropped... too low not to be noticed. My heartbeat decided it was the right time to commit suicide and stopped beating when a pair of glowing, silver eyes collided with mine.

He was just...

Just, just.

There are probably thirty adjectives to describe beauty, without including metaphors. And I had always considered myself fairly intellectual; however, I could not pick the right adjective to describe him. None of them seemed appropriate.

From so up close, I realized how completely wrong I was about my mate. So indisputably wrong.

He was much taller than what I had first assumed. So much so that I definitely needed to buy a portable ladder online.

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