Chapter 5

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His scent was muskier than Logan's, but you could tell they were similar, like twin scents. It was a manly smell, which was driving me crazy.

The same rich, amber smell that I was quickly becoming addicted to, climbing the charts of my favourite perfumes, and finishing in first place.

"How ... how did you find me?" I asked breathlessly.

Taking a flight or a boat seemed unlikely.

"Lucien came running, then swimming. And then running." A shrug of his powerful shoulders and the matter seemed closed.

"Can Lucien mark mate now?" He tilted his head crossing his large arms across his chest. Very human like.

"Lucien ..." I warned him with a weak chuckle as he shrugged with a chuckle of his own.

"Then a hug?" He opened his arms.

I blinked as he approached me all at once.

A second later, all his stance changed incredibly. His hair stood up, his ears flexed. A ferocious growl erupted from him. It shook the ground together with my heart.

"I-I'm s-sorr-rr-y" I stuttered trembling like a leaf. Maybe he lost his patience. Maybe he was going to cut my throat in half because I had refused the mark. Still, I could not feel fear, just nervousness.

"I didn't m-mean to...."

Then I realized he was not staring at me. Red eyes flashing in fury at something behind me.

Big hands took me, lifted me effortlessly. My skin burned with sparks from his touch. A whiff of wind later, and there I was, on top of a pine. Lucien had deposited me on a brunch.

"No, wait! Where ...?!"

Too late.

With a giant push, he leapt behind the boulders and disappeared like a shadow fleeing the sun.

Then I heard it. One by one, wolves let out calls and howls, filling the evening with their deadly songs.

It was a chain reaction.


I had forgotten that Scotland was swarming with wild rogues.

Catching a glimpse of anything was hard with the rocks and trees in the middle.

Shuffling, snarls, and whines had replaced the howls.

Then my eyes locked onto two wolves, one brown, one orange. A spark of despair ignited in my gut as the need to fight growing stronger with each passing second.

Their hungry stares and snarls were all for me. Out of instinct, I growled in return.

I jumped down without hesitation and faced the two slobbering, smelly rogues. Even in our human form, we Alphas had most of our wolf-like instincts.

By doing a quick estimate, I erased the option to shift into my wolf. I would be vulnerable for too many seconds. It could be deadly.

"Come, scoundrels." I seethed. My hands clenched; my pose ready to attack. The two wolves followed suit, crouching. They licked their dirty jowls, savouring victory.

I could have killed them. No doubt. I will end up with a few scratches, one or two bruises and torn clothes. Nothing that could not be fixed.

When I was about to throw myself into the fray, the two rogues stopped growling and lowered their ears. Whines escaped from their shaking bodies before they sped away.


"Yeah! Go away!" I taunted loudly and shook my head, annoyed that they were gone.

I took a step back and bumped into something hard. Ridiculously hard.

I whirled around and gasped. I was so addicted to his scent already that I had not even perceived Lucien behind me.

"Sorry" He murmured, looking down.

"You're ok?" A hand touched his bloody fur... it was nothing that had came out of him. After all, rocks did not bleed.

He nodded at me, watching me intently. His eyes running over the lengths of my face.

I buried my face into his chest and hugged him tightly to me.

Slowly his arms folded around me.

"Next time, let me help you."

I thought I heard a scoff, but I was not sure.

It was all quiet now.

When I peeked out from behind the boulders, I gasped quietly. There seemed to be a dozen villains. All dead. All sliced to perfection. All in hell.

Now I understood why the two rogues ran away at the sight of Lucien behind me.

I would have done the same.

My rational side ordered me to be afraid, suggested that something had messed up my survival instinct. But a mountain was between me and fear, a mountain of muscles and black fur, red eyes and incorrect grammar.

When that evening, in the arms of Lucien who was taking us somewhere for the night, too tired to encourage him to go back to the pack, I paused to reflect on what all this meant. On what he was.

Logan was not a werewolf.

My mate was not like me. He was not even like Archie or his father.


He was a lycan.

A creature that I thought existed only in fairy tales....

And this creature was mine.


#Do you love Lucien already?

I think he has a different personality than Craken. Sure, sometimes they may speak in a similar way, because they are, after all, not well educated. Even though their humans went to school, their wolves not necessarily listen or study. Especially Lucien, who had been locked away by Logan for many years.

#Do you think there are others out there like our Logan? 

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