Chapter 8

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"How's the university going? Busy?" I asked as I helped Teresa put away some medical equipment. I noticed some bruises on her arm that did not exist yesterday and I frowned. 

"It's too much! I barely have time to sleep." She chuckled with a smile that did not reach her big eyes. 

"Listen, Teresa, if you want you can stay with me, so you would be closer to your campus." The girl went to a public university for humans not far from ours, which was just for werewolves. But Teresa lived extremely far away. And for some alien reasons, she didn't move closer.

"Oh, thanks Ivy, but-"

"Yvaine!" Mrs Tina greeted me with her arm waving vigorously, interrupting our conversation, just as she had stopped knitting when I came in. Teresa sent me a sheepish smile and hurried to her next patient.

"Good morning Mrs Tina, how are you today?" I gave the old lady a radiant smile. Like Teresa, she practically lived in the hospital. Werewolf lady, she had been volunteering here for a couple of years. Not from a medical background, the lady was as sweet as the apple pie she baked for us, and too kind for her own good.

Since I missed my grandparents very much, she was replacing them until I could go to Scotland for a visit.

Ms. Tina lived outside her pack near the forest, and quite close to the children's hospital, which recovered both humans and were-kids.

Her mate had died due to unfortunate circumstances, but fortunately she had children and grandchildren to ease the scary void caused by the loss of a mate. Particularly fond of one of her nephews, she often tried to introduce us. Even a lady like her, from a different generation, was aware of how non-existent my love life was.

"Oh Yvy, you are such a sweetheart! Don't worry about an old broom like me" she chuckled. "The pain in my hip increased, so yesterday I only ate some old bread for dinner '

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "Mrs. Tina, you are not lying, are you? I remember you told Teresa that you couldn't wait to eat the home made rabbit with your neighbours' berry sauce."

The lady looked like a deer in the headlights. "Damn werewolf ears," she murmured but I heard her and chuckled. 

"Yes, true, but then I was hungry again. And I ate some bread." She covered up her lie like it was nothing. "I just need some help tonight! The pain on my leg and all the loneliness are my only company."

Guilt overwhelmed me before I hugged her tightly. "Oh, of course! I have a night shift for my practice tonight, but I can move it, and-"

"Oh no darling, I lied." A sly smile appeared. No trace of remorse after she just deceived me. "I just wanted you to meet my nephew," she admitted, with that calculating look of hers.

"He's always so busy lately with all his training and tonight he will finally come to see me!"

Here we are again.

I moved to the second child, taking a blood sample and checking the IV, paying little attention to the sprightly lady.

"I just think you two would be perfect for each other! And he's really handsome Ivy! Just know that once two girls came to my house to look for him and ask questions about his whereabouts!" She chuckled" My poor nephew forbade me to talk about his private business with all his girl friends ever again after I gave them his personal number!"

I doubted they were friends with her nephew, at least not in the way she meant.

Arching an eyebrow, I offered my elbow to her as we walked down the hall together. As I passed through the rooms, checking and taking notes, she was by my side handing me tools or jotting down data. Or just chatting with the children.

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