Chapter 28

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When I entered the bedroom with my aperol in hand, I ran and bounced off the soft mattress, spilling half the reddish contents onto Tiziano's bedsheets.

"You look fantastic girl!" He whistled, examining my body like a critic, and ignoring the flood I caused on his bed.

His shirt was unbuttoned, and he was holding a glass of scotch. His hair was combed so perfectly that I was afraid of moving the air around him.

"Hey, you never tell me." Makena pouted at him. She was beautiful that evening, with a red dress mid-thigh with sequins and glitters; surely many necks will be dislocated that night.

"Because you aren't-"

His shoulder popped when she punched him.

"Arrgh, why did you do that?! I was going to say you already get too many compliments, my jungle panther"

After the aperitif, which for me was the second of the night, we had devoured giant plates of pasta with so much sauce that the pasta was swimming in it.

We then moved the party to the balcony to drink some more before heading to the real party. I was more sober after I ate, although I had to change again after getting sauce all over my dress.

"Pff, come on Mak!" Tiziano scoffed at some point before taking a sip from his drink. "I like the virile werewolf, you know. The typical possessive and massive hunk. Tall, dark, and ridiculously hot. I can't waste my precious time with the plump ones like that Paul dude that reminds me of Babe the little pig!"

I chuckled, sipping my cider, because I did not like beer, too bitter for a sugar addict like me.

"Tizzy you are so stubborn! The first time you saw Paul you could not keep quiet about how perfect he would be behind, under or above you!" Makena exclaimed, patting him on the shoulder, making him choke on his drink and receiving a murderous look.

"Witch! And how about you and the enemy? Um?" He backfired swiftly, referring to the time she had slept with that dude from Dark Diamond - she had even dare to bring him into our house!

Tiziano had drastically disinfected her room and corridor with his exaggerated stage ways. Normally I would have laughed, and I had laughed at the time, but not anymore. I thought about practical things like: Would he dip me in a disinfectant bath when he knew who my mate was? or will he send me to a priest to perform rituals to ward off the evil eye?

I still had not found the right time or moment to tell my news, apart from Amaia and Archie two days ago. I was convinced that I had not found the proper time. Surely, now was not the right time as we were heading for Drunk-Land and Tiziano always got violent when he drank. At least with his mouth.

"But yes, I forgot that you are a werewolf eater" He added to his previous statement.

"So what? Were-men are good for you and the health of my pus-"

Amaia covered her mouth with a chuckle, "There is no research to prove it and you know it, so stop that!"

A drunk Amaia was a sight that all of us were enjoying, with our imaginary popcorn at hand.

"And no! I did not like Paul" The bickering between Tiziano and Makena continued. Episode of soap opera number two here we go.

"You got all salty and defensive because after going out once, he never called you again!" She sneakered and he growled, like a werewolf ready for lunch (which was you),

"Well, I wouldn't have answered anyway. He's plump."

The evening continued with more drinks, laughter, and light-heartedness, leaving problems outside the door.

Wereball Series - Along Came A MateWhere stories live. Discover now