Chapter 30

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AN/ Do you like the above version of Logan more?? :D Or do you imagine him as as someone else?

❤️I dedicate this chapter to  levidesiii for all her nice comments throughout the book ❤️


I was not in the mood to argue, or worse, give any explanation when I noticed my three friends. Their eyes were all on me, with different emotions. I didn't even know if my tongue would work after its usage, a few moments ago. I may need an IV to recover.

My heartbeat was pounding in my ears as my feet, with a conscience of their own, dragged me to my roommates.

"So!" Tiziano began while he and Makena studied me, both without batting an eye, both with their arms crossed like two parents about to scold.

"Who was the blond hunk?"

Relief flooded me from head to bottom. They had not realized that the 'hunk' was the Terminator himself. My mate. With tendencies towards abandonment.

Amaia had a knowing grin and a certain glint in her eyes.

"I smell Black Diamond, Yvaine!" Tiziano accused me, after a quick hug. His face grimaced. "What do you have to say in your defence?" He exclaimed dramatically, making me chuckle. His shirt was unbuttoned, a few buttons missing, and a tie was around his forehead. He looked ridiculous. "You had rolled with one of DD's too, give her a break, Tizzy," Makena said playfully, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

She had lipstick smeared all over her face, but I could not sense anyone on her. Considering that Caius was here with my brother, she must have done it on purpose to rile him up. Maybe with more than one guy.

"I was drunk!" He quickly defended himself with a scowl. The two of them had nearly empty glasses in their hands.

Thank god they were intoxicated or there was no way I could get rid of their questions about the mysterious boy.

"Can I steal her for a while?" A new voice came from behind.

Relief flooded me from head to bottom as my grinning twin took my hand and dragged me away.

The tears about to drop forgotten, the blonde Alpha mate locked in a drawer of my mind, as Lachlan began to dance in front of me, making exaggerated and ridiculous moves. Like when we were kids, without a worry in the whole universe. I giggled at his silly style, yet I followed suit.His happy humor was contagious.

"I'm not going to ask you why I sense your tears or why I smell a Dark Diamond on you," Lachlan whispered in my ear as he twirled me around. "But if you want me to take care of him, just say the word." He winked at me.

I rose on my tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek. "Nothing I can't solve alone, Lachy."

Suddenly he placed one arm under my knees and another around my back and lifted me off the ground. Soon after he started spinning in circles, quickly, making me feel like a spinning top. I screamed so hard, with my arms around his neck, that I almost choked.

"Stoop!" I stifle another laugh, "Put me down or I'll throw up all over you!"

My brother was the man of my life, the cane I could always lean on. After all, we landed in this life together; the doctors said our hearts were beating in sync.

I did not need a mate as long as I had my family and friends.

Busy jumping and doing silly acrobatics with my brother, amidst laughter and chatter, I did not notice a pair of piercing silver eyes looking at me from afar. Nor the mixture of emotions that went through them.

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