Chapter 3

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The clouds were pregnant with rain when I managed to reach the Anatomy building by barely avoiding the second shower of the day. As soon as I stepped into the safety of the building, the frantic beating of the heavy drops hitting the unfortunate students who unlike me were still outside.

Some descendants of the Moon Goddess who had chosen the medical profession were scattered around the corridors. A hum of voices, smells and chemicals flooded me as my feet led me to an oak door. If I were not a werewolf, with innate and not quite deserved ultra-strength, I would have had serious problems opening it as it was massive.

The classroom was already full of faces that focused briefly on me as I entered, and then went back to their business.

In that crowd I recognised Tiziano, engaged in a serious and profound conversation with another were-student. They looked like two politicians, intent on defining the future of the country.

"I repeat it!" The shrill, commanding voice of my friend and roommate reached my sensitive ears, stealing a smile from me. "Dark Diamond has no chance this season! Terminator or not in the team."

After all, it was not such a serious debate.

"Dude, you haven't seen how quick and mischievous he is! I've heard the guy cheats all the time during a game." The other gossiper retorted. Yes, gossiper, because more than talking about the game, they seemed to focus on gossip around.

"And we have The Highlander! Have you forgotten perhaps? Our man doesn't need to cheat, and everyone knows it!" The pride emanating from his sparkling eyes reflected on his posture.

Tiziano was, is, and always would be my brother's number one fun club.

"That's the point, man! Everyone knows how virtuous Lachlan is! Including Termination himself, which is sure to play even dirtier, you'll see!"

The small earthquake caused by Tiziano's fist on the desk was not a surprise. He once punched an enemy team fan for calling my twin a slowpoke. He literally ran to the other team's benches to beat up the shocked werewolf, leaving behind a trail of fire.

Tiziano, who was generally peaceful, became all 'mother bear' every time someone touched one of his cubs. And Lachlan and I were part of his litter.

"It doesn't matter! Lachlan is the best! End of story!"

The other werewolf rolled his eyes and shook his head at Tiziano's stubbornness.

"Nothing beats class and innate talent! Not even cheating." Tiziano added with an aggressive posture.

"Not if the cheater is The Termination himself! You've seen his talent and his massive muscles-"

"Let me explain something to your silly face." Tiziano growled grabbing the werewolf by the collar of his t-shirt. "There are three types of were-players. The few honest ones like our Lachlan that win no matter what, because they are the princes of the field, regal and majestic, and above all. Then, the rest, the usual commoner were-player, brute and short-tempered. And then, at the bottom of all, there is the Terminator, the worst kind. The cheater, the cunning viper that will never be a-"

"Come on guys! It's wereball! There are no rules, so cheating is allowed as long as you want!" My words came out of my mouth as I was placing my notebook on the desk, next to the human torso placed on my desk.

The "how-can-you-betray-your-own-brother-like-this" expression on Tiziano's face almost made me laugh.

But I did not bat an eye over his typical tantrum.

'The Terminator' was the werewolf most hated by mine and many other packs simply because he was the captain of the Dark Diamond wereball team. The poor fellow had done no harm to anyone off the field but being in that position had made him the villain of the situation.

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