Chapter 13

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Lucien POV ;)

When a gray dove buzzed too close to my likings, I killed it with a whip of my tail, just because I could not eat the delicious sheep I had sniffed in the distance.... Or her sisters, that were moving their fat, juicy bellies as they grazed, unaware of how close they were to their death.

My mate made me promise not to touch them, not even a tiny innocent nibble, after she had heard my belly growl.

Why could not she get that I needed at least a dozen prays to satisfy my hunger? Did she want me to starve? I could barely understand how she could eat so little. Two servings of cooked food which always smelled too strongly. Blah. Yvaine even forced me to eat some disgusting human concoction... pasta with tomato sauce. I hated it as much as I loved her sweet smile after I accepted it.

I sighed, sitting silently, using a bone to clean my claws.

I peeked at my beautiful and tender mate who was studying diligently next to me. I could have watched her for hours if her neck did not call my fangs like a tempting piece of meat that practically begged me to be bitten and marked.

I watched my surroundings.

The pack members were doing their daily chores, making sure to stay away from me and my mate.

Not that it bothered me. I did not trust humans as much as they feared my talons. Sure, I adored Trix and Yvaine but I could barely tolerate the friends of my nasty, bossy human, and some of his relatives.

Damn Logan... He was trapped inside now. It served him right after he had kicked me away for years.

He should be grateful that I let him glimpse what I was doing and how our mate loved our company thanks to me. Me! Not thanks to him, who had made her run away and crossed a whole ocean.

'Damn you, Lucifer.' Logan railed inside my head.

I gave a dramatic snort, growling under my breath.

'If you touch one hair of my mate," He emphasised the word 'my'. 'I swear you won't even smell her in your dreams, once I come back!' His threats now slipped over me. At first, I almost let Logan out, regain the throne, but then I changed my mind because he was not nice to me.

'And don't you dare mark her!' He barked, irritated with me but slightly distracted by her scent.

'If mate asks me, I will, human.' I replied stiffly.

'She will never ask you! Have you seen your fangs? They would transfix her neck!' Logan hissed, worried. A wave of sadness crossed me; it happened every time he treated me badly.

'And you heard his relatives, haven't you? You'll have to let me out today, Lucifer.' He said in a sing-song voice. 'Your freedom is running out!' Then his voice dropped to dangerous tones. 'Because as soon as I return, you can be sure that you will be thrown back into your dear lethargy hole-' 'No!' I growled with a little panic. 'Mate said she has a solution for us to make peace.'

A humorless laugh escaped my human.

'I will never forgive you, Lucifer. You're the worst thing that's ever happened to me.' He reminded me for the umpteenth time, and, for a moment, I perceived an ancient pain coming from my human. It was all our mother's fault. Not mine!.

Logan could not understand how much he needed that woman's approval and how blind he had been to our diabolic brother.

'Well, mate said she won't let you send me away!' I defended myself and stood up abruptly, hearing a tiny gasp.

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