Chapter 11

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"I bring present for my mate."

I just sat there, unfazed, staring at the landscape in front of me. With the wind fighting with my hair and the weather being as angry as me.

Lucien sighed from behind. I heard muffled sounds.

Too curious, I checked was he was doing from the corner of my eye. My mate reached behind a bush, as carefully as his talons and claws could allow, and pull out two things.
First, a bunch of heather, which must have seen better days. A small smile rose on my pursed lips, breaking my state of discomfort.

Heathers had always reminded me of my childhood. Me running in the Scottish hills and phasing for the first time.

Then, Lucien took horns of a deer, with blood still caked on it.

I could not help but smile. He was so shy and cute, like he did not know what to do with himself.

How could anyone be mad at my overgrown mate?!

I was still bothered by the kidnapping. Still irritated that he had worried my family and punched my brother.

But he is trying.

"Can we stay here tonight, mate? And we'll be back tomorrow? Please?"

I turned all the way around, taking the flowers in my hands and smelling them. "And will you accept grandpa?"

It was a good compromise.


A sigh of relief came out of me.

"And will you shift back to human again?"

"No!" He growled out.

I lowered the flowers from my nose and stared at him reproachfully. "Lucien ...."

"I can't! He won't let me see you ever again if I do!" Lucien looked panicked, scared for the first time.

Could one be afraid of oneself?

A part of himself?

The answer was right in front of me.

Lucien looked terribly distressed.

"Hey, hey!" I placed the flowers and the horns on the ground, delicately. Then I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Nobody, not even yourself, can separate you from me. Okay?"

He shook his head and avoided my gaze. The sparks and my closeness barely countered the prospect of not seeing me again.

"Lucy, look at me. Please." I begged him, feeling his sadness flood me. Draw me. I took his face in my hands. "I'll help you. I'll talk to Logan. We will work it out."

He stared at me for a while.

Hope, doubt, fear.

I could recognise them all.

So, I gave him an Eskimo kiss. Moving my nose on his wet one.

His eyes hooded and filled with longing.

"You, mate, smell perfect."

"You too, mate." It seemed to switch something wild within him, because he growled huskily and pulled me close, hiding his muzzle in my hair.

"Hazelnuts. You reminded me of hazelnuts"

"Lucien" I grabbed his face. "I love you, so much. But-"

I halted, hesitantly. Words were key. Words were powerful.

They could restore or destroy altogether.

"But you and Logan need to work things out. Together."

His eyes clouded. His upper lip curled up in displeasure.

"You share the same body. You are the same entity."

"Logan hates me." Lucien sighed again. Then, he pouted.

Every pout signed my end. I felt extremely protective of him.

He was mine. To love, to shield.

"Why does he?" I dragged him down, sitting on the ground.

Lucien just looked at me sadly. But he did not really see me. His mind travelled somewhere else. To some dark places, locked in a dusty corner of his soul.

"I killed our brother." The final confession was anything I had expected.

I blinked my eyes, digesting the information.


"He was bad. He hurt sister."


"Who's your sister?" I asked deeply worried.
"Trix. Trix is our sister. I love her very much."

He paused, looking at the horizon. I mimicked. Giving him time to rearrange the thoughts.

Darkness had almost finished its meal made of sunlight. The birds were trying to find a safe spot on a brunch, to spend the night.

"Logan locked me up. He never let me out. He despised me." His eyes were filled with strong emotions.

"We could not stand each other. So I hibernated."

My arms hugged my knees to my chest. So much to take it. So much to meditate on.

"I don't understand. So how did you wake up?" I glanced at my melancholy mate.

"When we saw you for the very first time I stirred, and your scent lulled me in my sleep." He gently stroked my cheek. "Then you were always calling my name...when you were talking to Logan over the phone... you woke me a few times, and then..."

He hesitated and averted his eyes.

"And then?" I prompted, biting my lips.

"And when you cheated on me. The pain jolted me awake. I took control for one full hour."

The faintest trace of a tear was forming on the edge of his reddish eyes. It destroyed me to have caused pain to him. To my soulmate.

"Lucien," I shifted and took his clawed hands on my petite ones. "I never cheated on you intentionally. I did not know you were my mate. I promise you with all my heart."

But something else distracted him.

"There are diamonds on your cheeks." He said in awe, capturing one in his claw and looking at it. I laughed and rubbed my face. I did not even notice I started to weep.

"They aren't, they are just tears."

He chuckled deeply, a little earthquake that shook the ground and my heart.

A thought was marinating in my mind, as I absentmindedly stroked Lucien's fur.

"I know someone who may be able to help you." I met his curious stare. "To improve and understand your relationship. To live in harmony."

Yes, I needed to call Archie. 

AN/ I'm just going to say: ;-)

Archieeee ;) 

And, of course:

Happy week & I send you a wolf' kiss :D *like below!

Happy week & I send you a wolf' kiss :D *like below!

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*Picture is not mine ~ copyright not intended


Wereball Series - Along Came A MateWhere stories live. Discover now