Chapter 16

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'Bunny Doc! How are you this morning? I heard your pack won against those losers of Golden Fur. Should I congratulate you for stealing candy from a pack of pups or scold you?'

A laugh bubbled from my throat at the text, before I sighed. I had to admit the sad reality: I, Yvaine of Comet, future neurologist and rational person, always against all social stereotypes, had become one of those creatures that first thing they do when waking up is to check the phone.

After a big fat yawn, I glanced at the brain-shape alarm clock on the bedside table with bleary eyes. I still had a lot of time before my day would kick in, with two late classes that afternoon. After lazily stretching my arms in a more cat-like way than wolf-like, I decided to make breakfast for all my flatmates and neighbours. All still asleep, considering it was 5.30am.

Plutos was nowhere to be seen, likely chasing rabbits and birds through the patio.

Putting on my fluffy slippers, I headed for a quick shower. 

Unconsciously I massaged my chest. In the last few days, that strange discomfort above my left breast occurred three times. It had woken me up last night, yet was bearable and only lasted for a few minutes. I had another mammogram and booked an appointment to check my pancreas, a completely underestimated organ.

Tiziano again suggested that perhaps, without realizing it, I had crossed paths with my mate and that the male was cheating on me, with or without realising it. My smart friend had also speculated that as soon as my so-called mate realized who I was, he had run away, too scared of my father, my brother and all the Scottish uncles.

It made no sense.

First of all, I would certainly have smelled my mate, considering my overdeveloped hound senses. Secondly, when a mate cheated, regardless of the extent of the betrayal, you would feel the same amount of pain and the heart would bleed. Moon Goddess apparently considered a kiss on the lips to be as wrong as a full intercourse. And I agreed with her, because the moment your mate decided to betray your trust and the bond, it didn't really matter how he did it or what he did.

My heart was not crying blood and the pain was bearable. It was more of a nuisance than something close to pain.

I was heading into the kitchen, with a towel tied over my head, passing in front of my roommates' rooms, when Makena's door slam open and a giant appeared. I doubted he could pass through the door without bending his head. 

He was wearing only a pair of black boxers and it did not take a genius to figure out what kind of business they'd done.

"Oh hello there, Sweet Pea," The lad winked at me and, somehow, that sad nickname made me chuckle.

There was something about this guy.

With chest and legs covered with some kind of fur, like most wolf men, he had a rough appearance but his light brown eyes  were almost ... gentle

"Hello there, Gentle Eyes." I retorted cheerfully, going into the kitchen with him hot on my heels.

"Gentle Eyes?" He repeated with a deep laughter coming from his throat. I already liked this guy, he seemed the kind of person who took everything with a laugh and a shrug.

"Are you saying you fancy me?" Maybe I didn't like him after all.

"No thanks, you're not really my type. Besides, didn't you just walk out of my friend's room?" I arched a brow.

He raised his hands in front of him, "Hey! She's not my mate and I'm not hers!"

"Fair point, Gentle Eyes" I winked at him like he had done before.

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