Chapter 10

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The riot started when Lucien, in the heat of the moment, slammed me against a tree with the whip that he had as a tail. Pine needles and leaves fell on me as my head hit the trunk.

My family had witnessed Lucien hurt me. If I had made it clear earlier that Lucien was my mate, it would have stopped this unnecessary nonsense. But now the damage was done. The arrow shot. Nothing would satisfy my family more than to annihilate the one who had dared to harm their precious niece. Mate or not. Accident or not.

The hit did not bother me much, nothing my hard werewolf skull could not handle. If I had been human, I could have reported a severe concussion and a trip to clouds-land. As I cleared my head and recovered, I heard them.

Shouts, snarls, a deafening roar. Dragging myself up, I saw the insane sight of my family facing my mate. And all because of a tail too long!

"Where is Yvaine?" Grandpa's voice travelled from the clearing.

Lucien's head whipped around at my name, as Clyde and Knox closed in.

"We'll take care of this thing," Lachlan shouted enraged, in his human form. "You get her out of the way." Lucien turned on them and positioned itself in an attack stance, claws up, head forward, tail waving steadily.

My heart was drumming in my chest, my breathing shortening.

Clyde went forth as Knox and Angus started to close in from each side of Lucien. Grandpa was coming to my direction, slowly.

Suddenly, Angus and Knox leapt and tackled him to the floor but Lucien let out a furious snarl and slammed Knox's head against a rock wishing to split it open.

Clyde shoved a now rabid Lucien away barely checking on his brother who was already standing.

"Are you ok son?" Granny called from her position.

The wolf of Knox shrugged and spitted some blood but seemed fine.

Lucien was deadly. Slime dripped from his gums.

It did not matter the deep bite marks and the missing fur on some body parts. Neither the numerical inferiority.

He growled louder than he did before and charged with a murderous look. At that point I had noticed some characteristics. Lucien always walked hunched forward, with his fingers spread wide and his elbows up. The big head slightly lowered.

He looked skilful, with brute force, but he fought like a beast. My uncles, on the other hand, had years of practice and control. Innate killers, with colossal wolves that would inspire horror writers.

There were more roars. More shouts. Lachlan yelled, "Clyde! Watch out!"

I also heard gunshots. Grandma was on a rock aiming and shooting at Lucien.

It all happened in mere minutes. And I was not going to twiddle my thumbs while my family was playing diplomat in their ridiculous ways.

When they parted away to reassess the situation, I shouted.

"All of you! Stop immediately!"

My voice froze everyone like an illustration: my uncles ready to pounce, Lucien ready to snap, grandpa sidling up to my location. All of them glanced at me for a quick moment. And then refocused on one another, going right back to the stubborn animosity they had been on. Like I was not even there.

"Someone's going to get hurt. Let's just talk about this!" My attempts were ignored.

"Yvaine, be quiet, we need to get you out of here." Grandpa's tone was that scolding one parents used with spoiled brats.

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