Chapter 6

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Author's P.O.V

Morning came fast. The sun was shining brightly and chirping of birds could be heard, all over it was a warm day. Taehyung was still asleep.

*knock knock*

"Taehyung, are you awake?"

Taehyung shuffled a bit by hearing the knocks on the door and his beauty sleep was disturbed by an intruder.

"Yes, I am. Come in." Taehyung said in his morning voice.

The door opened and in came a tall man. Taehyung would say he was literally beautiful and by the smell of him, he recognized him as an omega.

"Good morning. I am Jin.Yesterday I didn't properly introduced myself but am Jungkook's brother-in-law or you can say more like a brother to him." The intruder named Jin said.

"Good morning Jin hyung."

"Actually I came here to give u these. Shin Hye, i.e., Jungkook's mom, I guess you remember her name, told me to deliver it to you. She personally wants you to wear these clothes as she thinks you'll look beautiful in this though if you don't want to, that's also fine." Jin explained while showing a neatly folded clothes that he was carrying.

"Okay. Thank you. You can leave it here on the bed."

"Breakfast will be at 9a.m. Jungkook will be here to take you to the dining room with him. Just be ready before that." He said with a warm smile. Taehyung nodded.


Taehyung was all ready but was nervous and was feeling a little bit insecure about the dress that he was wearing.

Taehyung was all ready but was nervous and was feeling a little bit insecure about the dress that he was wearing

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It was a black dress with floral prints that contrasted very beautifully with his skin color. It also made his waist look slim but the main concern was the back part of the dress.

It was a backless dress that made him look so sexy but he never tried something so open

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It was a backless dress that made him look so sexy but he never tried something so open. As his mind was going in depths thinking about the dress, there was a knock heard on the door.

"Come in."

Taehyung's P.O.V

The door opened revealing a handsome Jungkook standing there.

He was in a black T-shirt with black jeans and was looking very handsome but I thought of the same thing for a certain person and I remember where it ended

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He was in a black T-shirt with black jeans and was looking very handsome but I thought of the same thing for a certain person and I remember where it ended.

"Everyone is downstairs. Are you ready to go?

"Yes." I said in a small voice while looking at the ground.

"By the way, you are looking beautiful." Jungkook broke the awkward silence.

"Ah- T-thank you." I stuttered as he caught me off guard and a light blush coated my cheek which I tried to hide by looking on the ground.

Author's P.O.V

As jungkook entered the room, he swear to Moon Goddess that he had never laid eyes on someone so beautiful and breathtakingly.

His wolf Orion gone crazy by seeing the angel like male in front of him and the scent that was present in every corner of the room.

Taehyung was standing in front of the dressing table that meant that the mirror was showing a full view of his back. Taehyung's milky white skin was on full display. The see through part of the dress that was connected by a knot was arousing. The outline of his backbone that jungkook wanted to trace by his fingertips and taste mark it by his tongue was tempting.

Jungkook knows how much will power of his was used to control himself and his wolf to control themselves or else his wolf was ready to take the boy then and there.

His wolf was ten times hornier than him and his arousing pheromones that were ready to spread in the room that was getting hotter second by second. To not pounce on the beauty in front of him, Jungkook lead them outside of the room for breakfast.


"Oh my God! You look so ethereal. Someone catch me or else I'll fell by seeing Moon Goddess in front of me in the face of Taehyung. I didn't expect you to look ten times prettier than I imagine and give me a heart attack." Shin Hye dramatically explained.

Everyone laughed by her words on the dining table as Taehyung just blushed and whispered a thanks.

"By the way, I want you to get familiarize with our pack so Jungkook will you give you a short trip of here and there of our pack." Jeon JungIn said.

Jungkook who was sitting in the opposite direction of Taehyung nodded in agreement but Taehyung was scared to be left alone with a trueblood.

By seeing the nervousness in Taehyung's eyes, Namjoon spoke "Don't worry Taehyung, you'll be safe here as long as Jungkook is with you. He'll never let anyone harm you. And in my opinion, I guess you both will also get a bonding time with each other before engagement ceremony."

Little did Namjoon know, the thing that scares Taehyung the most is the one who's gonna tag along with him all the time during this little trip of his to familiarize the pack.


Do you guys want me to update on Thursday too every week? Do reply with yes or no lovelies so I can know.


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