Chapter 12

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Author's P.O.V

Taehyung can't believe that their wolves bonded so greatly with each other. Right now they returned to home and were smelling like each other. Taehyung's body literally reeks of Jungkook's strong manly scent and the same goes with Jungkook who was carrying his soft scent.

"Oh ooh, someone smells like someone." Jimin sing-songed as he teased them while Jin agreed with him while laughing.

Taehyung was red from the embarrassment while Jungkook was in his normal state and that was his poker face.

"Are you both done?" Jungkook asked while being so done.

"Yea~yea~" they sing-songed again while Hoseok was laughing on the sofa drinking his only love, sprite.

"Come on Taehyung." Jungkook pulled him towards the second floor where both of their rooms were by holding onto his hand.

They both were awkwardly standing in front of Taehyung's room's door.

"Uh-uhm..bye..?" Jungkook said while looking at his eyes, as if he was asking a question.

"Hmm..yea bye" Taehyung said while biting his lips due to nervousness.

As soon as Taehyung left inside his room, Jungkook was going to enter his until he was stopped by a loud scream or a loud girlish scream of Taehyung.

"Taehyung? Taehyung, are you alright?" Jungkook said worriedly as he entered his room in an instant. He saw Taehyung standing in the middle of his bed.

"Uh-no!" He suddenly stopped mid sentence and screamed while looking at something.

Jungkook quickly ran towards him on the bed and pulled him towards himself.

"What happened? Tell me." Jungkook was literally losing his shit seeing Taehyung so scared.

"J-Jung-Jungkook, th-there's a c-COCKROACH on the wall." Taehyung again screamed out while tears were ready to spill out.

"I- just a cockroach?" Taehyung looked at him shocked while he heard the word 'just'. Oh Jungkook doesn't know but Taehyung was literally ready to dig his grave for his word 'just'.

"I- I mean I'll try to remove it." Jungkook stuttered, seriously Taehyung made him learn how to stutter, while seeing the 'the fuck you said right now' face of Taehyung.

"You better be." Taehyung deadpanned.

Jungkook attacked on the cockroach, trying to step on him and kill it but the cockroach was sly so he dodged the attack and flied directly towards Taehyung.

"The hell you are doing? Jungkook!" Taehyung screamed out as the cockroach directly sat on his face.

"I-wait I'll remove it." Jungkook said with horrified eyes as he attacked at cockroach or Taehyung's face.

After so many tries, Jungkook alas made him fly out of the room and then looked at Taehyung.

"All done now." Jungkook said

"Oh yea, let me check then." Taehyung checked here and there of the room to make sure Jungkook isn't lying.

As he was doing it, he tripped over the bed. In an instant, Jungkook caught him by his waist and protected his face by holding his jaw from getting all ruined by the floor today.

Due the fear of falling, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and legs around his waist.

"Oh my Lord, I was so close from falling." Taehyung sighed while Jungkook was astounded.

"Thank you Jungkook-" Taehyung stopped mid-sentence after seeing their position.

Oh how much Jungkook wanted to kiss Taehyung again after their engagement but controlled himself and this position didn't helped him at all so he did what he was dying to do.

He crashed his lips with Taehyung. He slowly moved his lips for savoring the moment but Taehyung was too startled to respond.

Their lips perfectly molded together. Jungkook can still taste the same sweet taste on Taehyung's lips just like that day. Jungkook tried to kiss him more feverishly but Taehyung wasn't responding so a deep growl of dissatisfaction came from his throat.

Orion thought he was rejecting him by not kissing him back, so he started roughly kissing him by trying to put his tongue inside Taehyung's mouth.

It wasn't a kiss done by consent and Taehyung was too shocked to comprehend what was going. He felt like he was being forced again.

The kiss was bruising Taehyung's lips and then he felt a hard pinch on his waist to which his mouth opened due to his gasping.

He felt Jungkook slowly putting him on the bed and kissing him more aggressively than before as his tongue entered his mouth. He also felt Jungkook's hands going under his T-shirt to his belly.

He started getting flashbacks of those moments that left him traumatized. Oh how much he wanted to bury those moments in the back of his head but Jungkook was only helping him to rewind it in his head.

After a long time, those moments became a blur but it all became crystal clear again and came back to him like a haunted memory just because of Jungkook.

Little did he know that it wasn't Jungkook but his wolf who became possessive over him because he thought he rejected him as in the form of not kissing him back.

He then felt Jungkook leaving his lips and going down to kiss his neck and collarbones. No matter how much he wanted to cry and tell or push Jungkook to stop doing that, he can't do it.

The memory wasn't helping him that was playing like a reel in his brain. He was gasping for air because suddenly he was feeling like his lungs were burning. He was crying and thrashing around to remove Jungkook from himself but all was in vain.

Jungkook came back to his senses when he noticed soft cries and gasps for air. He instantly removed his mouth from his neck which was decorated with red and purple blotches now. He noticed Taehyung's eyes were red due to crying, his mouth was leaving soft gasps for breath and how he was still trying to push him.

He quickly removed himself from Taehyung's body. He just wanted to kiss him but didn't wanted to take this so far and definitely not like this. He didn't know what to do anymore so he did what he thought was best at that moment, he just apologized and quickly left the room, leaving a crying Taehyung behind.


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lovelies🥺 Your vote will be appreciated cuz it literally takes hours to write a single chapter.❤

I was going to update a bit early but the weather was so nice here that it made me fall asleep.😝 And last but not the least, do follow me for update notifications or any changes in it if I do in future.💗


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