Chapter 34

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Author's P.O.V


Jungkook's hold was dangerously tight on Taehyung's waist as he listened to the shitty things that bastard did to his pup.

Taehyung was now sitting on his lap while facing him and had his hold on Jungkook's neck and waist while Jungkook was holding him tightly by his waist to make sure he is fine as his wolf was going berserk listening to his past and it was worse because Orion was ten times more angry on the bastard MinJoon as his pup was pregnant. 

"Don't worry now. It was all in the past that I wanted to forget but couldn't. But now I have you, my powerful alpha and powerful future daddy of our pup." Taehyung said in a soft voice and then pecked his alpha's lips and smiled.

"And you know after I met you and made beautiful memories with you, you are the only one in my memory. The past, that asshole, I forgot everything just because of you." Taehyung stared at his alpha's eyes with so much adoration and love. Jungkook didn't expect it but was very touched by his words.

"Though I'm promising you that if I ever meet that bastard again, I'm killing him right then and there." Jungkook's face showed determination.

"Okay my alpha." Taehyung laughed and then tightly hugged Jungkook and nuzzled his face vigorously on his scent gland. Jungkook started laughing as his omega's hair was tickling his skin.

"I'm sorry for pushing you off and hating you without any reason but just because you are an alpha. I'm also sorry for saying that I was being forced with you that night, it was just that you was forcing me into kissing you despite me telling you to stop and I was startled due to the certain action and that reminded me of my hateful past so I panicked and did it on instinct." Taehyung said sadly while a pout was decorated on his lips.

Jungkook slowly laid down again with Taehyung again on his chest and  started stroking his hair gently.

"Its all fine now as you are lying in my arms right now with our little bean in your tummy." Jungkook murmured and kissed on top of his head and closed his eyes.

"Sleep now. You and pup needs rest." Jungkook said as Taehyung sighed in content in his alpha's chest and let deep slumber swallow him.


Jungkook and Taehyung were walking hand in hand in the garden of their house as the doctor has suggested the omega to take a walk every day because its healthy for both him and the little pup.

Taehyung completed his second month of pregnancy and recently entered the third one a day before and an average size of bump was already on display because of their fast pregnancy. He can't believe his little bean is in his tummy for two months already.

Jungkook kisses his tummy everyday and every night to show his love and affection to his little bean in his cute omega tummy. He also kisses Taehyung every time thanking him for giving him a chance to be a father and carrying his little bean there.

"You know I wanted to take you somewhere but I was unable to do so." Jungkook sighed remembering the day where he was excited to show the place to his pretty mate but a huge distance was created in between them.

"Where?" Taehyung asked with curious filled eyes.

"Remember that day when we were going to boundaries and I told you to show you a beautiful place." Jungkook looked at him expectantly to remember that day.

"Oh...yeah!" Taehyung trailed off but suddenly shouted when he recalled that day. Jungkook chuckled on this and showed his cute bunny teeth while his nose scrunched up cutely.

"Actually I found that place when I was wandering here and there for keeping myself checked up on the surroundings. Its really beautiful." Taehyung smiled by this and was getting more excited just by imagining the secret place.

"....Though its beauty is nothing in front of the beauty of my gorgeous omega." Jungkook added this making Taehyung laugh due to his cheesiness.

"So be ready tonight. I'll take you there at five in the evening." Taehyung happily nodded by this and hugged Jungkook sideways.

"I love you so much!" Taehyung happily exclaimed and then kissed his alpha's cheeks.

"I love you too Taehyung. Everyday I fall more in love with you and seeing this." Jungkook caressed Taehyung's baby bump.

"It only reminds me how it is made full of our love, it is the sign of our love." He lovingly replied and this made Taehyung's eyes to water from this sincere reply. 

"Oh my Lord, pup? Why are you crying?" Jungkook panicked.

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for whatever I did wrong." The alpha apologized without even knowing the reason but if it makes Taehyung not to cry then he'll do it without a second thought making the latter to shook his head.

"No silly! I'm just happy because of your confession but this damn pregnancy is taking a toll on me and making me extremely emotional and making me cry over this." The omega laughed cutely but huffed because of what his pregnancy is making him go through.

Jungkook sighed in relief due to this. He then leaned down and gave a long passionate kiss to his pretty omega and showered all his love in it and who was Taehyung not to respond it so he also responded with the same feverish feeling.

"To be honest, your pregnancy is really difficult." Yes, Taehyung's pregnancy was no joke. He was suffering from morning sickness, nausea, back pain, moody, extremely emotional.

To sum it up, he was feeling worst but the thing that kept him going was a hope to see his little pup or little bean that Jungkook calls it in his arms, to play with him, cuddle with him and give him all his love with Jungkook.

"Now come on, its time up for your walk now. Let's go home and you may rest for now so that I can take you and our little bean to show that beautiful place." Taehyung nodded at Jungkook's words.

Their hands were interlocked all the while they were in the garden and then they started to walk towards their house while chatting about their little bean.


How old are you guys?~


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